Forbidden Bond

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Note: Incest alert!

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Note: Incest alert!

Forbidden Bond, it's about Jesse and his twin sister Jessica in their modern lives in high school. Jesse is strong and quite popular with the girls and Jessica is beautiful to a man's eye. Thing had been going well for them until their parents died. Their lives change forever, they are sent to live with their grandmother and go to a new school. Over time they made new friends and regain their old lives. But what no one knew, not even their parents is that they were in a relationship. It's a forbidden love for so many families, but they don't care. Their hidden love is in grave danger if people who truly love them find out (And yes the people are Lukas and Petra.)

Couples: Jetra, Lukesse, Axlivia and Jesse x Jessica

This book will have some violence.


Bullies: Aiden, Maya, Gill and Cassie Rose.

Principal: Isa

Vise principal: Reginald


Elleegard- Math

Magnus- Wood shop

Harper- English

Soren- Science

Gabriel- P.E.

Ivor- History

Main characters:

Jesse: A strong, smart and handsome guy. He is very attractive to all girls and all the boys want to be his friend. He loves to work out, work, be with his friends, animals and be with Jessica. He dislikes people who bother him, the bullies, science and being late. Jesse always flirts with the girls, but he never dates them. When the girls ask him out, he denies, he only wants to take Jessica out . He and Jessica are related, but he and Jessica see each other as more than a friend should. When their parents died they were force to move to New Jersey and live with their grandmother and transfer to a new school. He and Jessica were upset but over time they began to enjoy it after they met Petra, Axel, Lukas and Olivia. Jesse also gain a small crush on Petra, but he loves Jessica more.

Jessica: Jesse's twin sister. She is ten minutes younger than Jesse. She is so beautiful that the boys flirt with her and ask her on a date, she always denies. She and Jesse are in a secret relationship so she will only allow him to flirt with her and take her out. When their parents died she was upset, especially since they needed to move with their grandmother. She has a small crush on Lukas, the second most attractive guy in the school. She likes animals, work, being with her friends and being with Jesse. She dislikes the bullies and Science.

Petra: A tough tomboy who shows everyone not to mess with her. Petra fell in love with Jesse when they met, she fell more in love when they became friends. She became good friends with Jessica. She is friends with Lukas, Jesse, Jessica, Axel and Olivia. She and Lukas use to date, but things didn't work out, so they broke up. When she and Lukas find out that Jesse and Jessica were in a secret relationship, she and Lukas team up to help the sibling see that this love was wrong. She likes being tough, Jesse and being with her friends. She dislikes the Bullies and school work.

Lukas: Lukas use to be the first attractive boy in the school, but when Jesse came all the girls pay attention to Jesse, he doesn't mind though. He and Petra use to date, but they broke up. He fell madly in love with Jessica when he first saw her. He is friends with Jessica, Jesse, Axel, Olivia and Petra. When he found out that Jesse and Jessica were in a secret relationship, he and Petra teamed up to stop the forbidden love. He likes Jessica, working out and working. He dislikes the bullies and when people touch his perfect hair. He used to be friends with the bullies, but he stopped talking to them after they threaten his friends.

Olivia: Olivia is a smart and intelligent girl, she is picked on easily. She has strong doubts on herself when in comes to defending herself. When Jesse and Jessica moved in, she fell in love with Jesse, but over time she began to develop feelings for Axel. She became best friend with Jessica and Jesse. When Petra and Lukas tell her about Jesse and Jessica's relationship, she grossed out and helps them. She likes to read, spend time with her friends and do work. She dislikes bullies and annoying people.

Axel: A clumsy big guy who is loyal to his friends, before Jesse and Jessica move in, he had feelings for Olivia, but when they moved in he fell in love with Jessica. After he learns about Jessica and Jesse from Petra and Lukas, he begins to lose interest on Jessica and falls in love with Olivia again. People pick in him for his clumsiness, but he doesn't care. He likes eating, being with his friends and extreme things. He dislikes people that pick on him and his friends, boring things and school work. His favorite food is cookies, so if someone steals them then they will wish to never to steal his cookies.


"Who cares what they thing Jessica~. It's our own decision, not theirs."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." 

"We could get married, and have children." Jessica scoffed.

"Yeah, and what do we tell them? 'Hey kids, your father is your uncle and i'm also you're aunt? '"

"If you want. Or we can be quiet. We can give you a fake identity and get elope. Then we can move away at a town where no one knows we're related."

"Hmmm... Yeah, I guess I can agree with that."

"You guess?"

"Nope. I do agree with it."

Status: In process

A/N: So what do you think of it? Yes I know Male Jesse x Female Jesse is not a cannon, especially since they are related, but it will go to Jetra and Lukesse, trust me. So please no rude comments. I'm not sure when I will release this, but I will at some point, bye.

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