Summer Secrets

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Note: Incest alert, and inspired by song upward

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Note: Incest alert, and inspired by song upward.

When it all happened, it was summer time, which meant it was time for fun, fun and more fun! Jesse, his sister and his friends finished their junior year and were getting ready for their final year before college. However, after his friends begin to ditch him for them to live their lives, he feels betrayed and forgotten. When he felt alone and abandoned his sister and uncle saw decided to take him out for fun and get wasted. Slowly, he and the rest of his family became addicted to racing , parting, sleeping with random strangers and drinking. Now done with classes and working at his uncle's repair shop in California, Jesse is no longer what he use to be and now is enjoying life the with his remaining family. When his friends learn of his new lifestyle and how he came to be, they felt guilty and do whatever it takes to get him away from the life style. Only question is, will they succeed? Only one way to find out.

No Violence


Couples: Axlivia, Harpvor, Jetra, Lukesse and Jesse x Jessica


Jesse: Began drinking, partying, racing and sleeping with random women after his friends pretty much abandoned him. He apparently had his first with Jessica which he found rather disturbing at first, but eventually he doesn't seem to care anymore who he slept with anymore. He works at his uncle's repair shop so he could earn money and wait for time to pass for another race or a party to come. He owns a motorcycle and has no shame on rubbing it on people's faces. When his friends came to apologized and get him to leave his new lifestyle, he simply refused. As time came around, his feelings for an old friend began to grow again and doesn't know what to do. But when he and his former friend finally begin dating, he stops sleeping with other women and drinks less, but he still continues racing and partying.

Jessica: Jesse's twin sister. She is ten minutes younger and cares deeply for her family. Just like Jesse, she loves to party and sleep with random people. She was very angry when Jesse's former friends did to him and decided to help him out with the help of her uncle. Apparently she had her first with Jesse which she found it disturbing figuring out that they were drunk, but as time passed, she doesn't seemed bothered by it. As more time passes, she meets one of Jesse's former friends and despite her being mad at him, she found an interest with him. Then, one day, she began dating him and from there on she stopped sleeping with other men.

Petra: One of Jesse's former friend and soon girlfriend. Petra at first didn't realized that she abandoned Jesse with the rest of her friends, but when they finished college did she found out too late. After a year or so, she and the rest of her friends haven't been able to find him, that was until they were invited to a race which was being held in California. From there they saw how their former friend had change for the worse. She tried to apologize to him and get him to leave his lifestyle, but when he refused, she still tried to get his attention. Eventually, she falls in love with him and they begin dating.

Lukas: Another of Jesse's former friends and soon boyfriend of Jessica. Lukas didn't notice his behavior with Jesse until it was too late. After finishing college with the rest of his friends, he tries to locate him. After no success, he was invited to a race in California in which there he finds Jesse. When he finds out how his attitude toward Jesse had change him, he tries everything he can to make him leave his lifestyle after he refused to abandon it. He found a quite interest on Jessica and and manage to date her.

Olivia: Another of Jesse's former friends. Olivia didn't notice how she was behaving with Jesse, but it was too late when she finally notice how horrible she acted. When she couldn't find any clues on where he could be, that was until she was invited to California for a race. When she saw how Jesse had change due to her, she tried to get some sense into him to stop his lifestyle. Eventually, she is given another chance to be Jesse's friend.

Axel: The last of Jesse's former friends. Axel didn't seem to notice how he acted towards Jesse and it was too late to apologize. Before he could give up on finding him, he was invited to a race which was being held in California, in there he sees his former friend. When he finds out about his new lifestyle, he was both jealous and upset. He eventually gets another chance on being Jesse's friend.

Harper: A woman that had an interest on Ivor. She mainly sleeps with him whenever they meet in a race and seduces him. When they meet outside the party, she was rather interested with him and eventually, she becomes his girlfriend.

Ivor: Jesse and Jessica's guardian and Uncle. Ivor is the owner of a repair shop loves to race and party wild. He slept with a couple off women and never had a girlfriend or a wife. When he saw what Jesse's friend did, he was angry at them and wanted to cheer him up for what they've done with the help of her niece. She had an interest on a specific woman named Harper and when they met outside the parties and races, he found her "Intriguing" and eventually began dating her.


"So, how many are you planning tonight?" Asked Jesse as he took a sip of his beer.

"I'm planning a good solid fifteen tonight. If more end up seducing me, then it will grow." Responded Ivor as he took a sip of his beer. "You?"

"Don't know, depends how many end up seducing, but my bet is twenty-five." He smiled.

The music was loud, the people were cheering as they danced out in the dark. Jesse and Ivor did this every Friday night and boy did they enjoy them. Their friends just ditch them for their own dates, but who cares? 

Here they are, drinking all night, smoking, fucking every pretty girl that comes to seduce them. And of course, they have a big race and win most of the time. They win lots of money and celebrate before nightfall to party. They've been at it for almost two years, and they regret nothing.

"Hey guys."

Jesse and Ivor turn to see a girl with raven hair and emerald eyes. She was wearing a black top with short shorts. She was also wearing sunglasses. The guys smiled and walked over to her.

"Ah, Jessica, how's my niece?" Asked Ivor as she shrugged.

"Not much. Other than the fact that I was fucked deliciously by that blue hair guy." She said as she pointed at a guy with blue hair, sunglasses and a piercing on his ear.

"Good to know sis." Jesse sighed sadly in which Ivor and Jessica notice.

"Still thinking about them?" She asked and he nodded.

Ivor patted the sad brunette's shoulder. "You need to forget about them now Jesse. You're in a place to have fun, and forget the stress your friends had given you. If they really cared, they would have came earlier and say sorry."

"Uncle is right you know. Hey, I know what will cheer you up." She smirked as he looked at her.


"Take me, right now." Jesse blushed a deep red.

"J-Jessica, I-i- B-but" Before he could finish, Jessica grabbed him by his wrists.

"But nothing. Besides, this isn't the first time we slept together."

"Ok, one, I was drunk. And two, it meant nothing, it was only to remove the stress."

"Exactly! So let's go to uncle's car, if you don't mind?"Ivor shook his head.

"Go ahead. Get rid of all those thoughts out of him. But make sure to clean up afterwards." He smiled and she nodded.

"Oh boy..." Muttered Jesse as Jessica dragged him to Ivor's car.

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