The Wolf and the Moon

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"Rise my son, you have much more to accomplish

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"Rise my son, you have much more to accomplish. Let your true fighting spirit be expose to his eyes and finish your battle until you had slain the evil within my brother."

The moon and sun seemed nothing but life in death in people's mind, but they have no idea how right they are. Within the moon, there is good. Within the sun, there is evil, lurking around the poor soul who is trapped there. In order to save his brother, the moon must have a warrior of his shadows to destroy the evil within, in other words, he must create a son. However, after years of battle and suffering, he vanishes and the sun has been in deep slumber for centuries, but now that the evil is lurking now, is up to the Order of the Stone to make the evil parish. But as things begin to get from good to bad, they will learn many secrets from their leader.


No Smut

Couples: Jetra, Axlivia and ????

Jesse: Leader of the Order of the Stone. Jesse has defeated the Witherstorm with the help of his friends. He became a part of group of heroes and adventurers, he enjoyed it while it lasted. Jesse has no family and only sees his friends as his family. Jesse has scars and a tattoo hidden in his back, because he didn't want to show it to anyone. One day, Ivor told the Order of the Stone all about the tales of the Sun and Moon and the Moon's son, which cause him to feel somewhat uncomfortable. When the Sun wakes up and begins to cause destruction, he knows he must stop the darkness from being freed again. However, in this journey, their will be more than he hoped for.

Petra: Warrior of the Order of the Stone. Petra fought along side Jesse and her friends to defeat the Witherstorm. She became a part of a group of heroes and adventurers. Petra only has her brother who is Lukas and she has a crush on her leader, but she won't admit it. When Ivor told them the tales of the Sun and Moon and the Moon's son, she felt quite excited. When the sun had awakened and caused destruction, she knew that it was a risk on fighting, even more dangerous than the Witherstorm. But during the journey, secrets will be revealed.

Lukas: Architect of the Order of the Stone. Lukas fought along side Jesse and his new friends to defeat the Witherstorm. He became a part of a group of heroes and adventurers. Lukas only living relative is Petra. When Ivor told them the tales of the Sun and the Moon and the Moon's son, he wasn't sure if he should believe it. However when the Sun had awaken and caused destruction, he believe the tale and went on a journey with the group in order to defeat the evil. But as the journey goes, he will discover secrets. 

Axel: Griefer of the Order of the Stone. Axel fought along side Jesse and his friends, despite his clumsiness in order to defeat the Witherstorm. He became a part of a group of heroes and adventurers. He is apparently dating Olivia. When Ivor told them the tale of the Sun and the Moon and the Moon's son, he felt scared and excited. When the Sun had awakened, he went on an adventure with his friends to defeat it. However, he will discover secrets.

Olivia: Engineer of the Order of the Stone. Olivia fought along side Jesse and her friends, despite her doubtfulness, to defeat the Witherstorm. She became a part of a group of heroes and adventurers. She apparently is dating Axel. When Ivor told them about the tales of the Sun and Moon and the Moon's son, she wasn't sure on how to react. When the Sun awakened, she and her friends must go on a journey to defeat it. However, she will discover many secrets.

Ivor: The Enchanter of the Old Order of the Stone. He created the Witherstorm in order to expose the lies of his old friends which backed fired and almost destroyed the world. After Jesse defeated the Witherstorm, he wanted to make it up to the world by helping the new group in any way he can. When he told everyone the story about the Sun and Moon and the Moon's son he felt very excited. When the sun had awakened, he was afraid, but followed the group on a journey to defeat it, but will he on the way, discover secrets.

The Sun: Once a warrior and he created all of Minecraftia with his brother.  But somehow, Darkness filled the young warrior's heart without explanation, causing him to destroy everything. Now is an imprisoned star that shines over the lands of Minecraftia and was put to forever sleep thanks to his brother's son. Not much is known from him though.

The Moon: Once a warrior and with the help of his brother, he created all of Minecraftia. When his brother had, with no explanation, turn to the dark side, he created a son with his powers and sacrificed himself  to become a natural satellite that shines in the darkness of the lands of Minecraftia. When his son defeated his brother and turned him into a star, he watched over him till his brother began to wake from his slumber. Not much in known from him though.

The son of the Moon: Not much is know from him, except for him defeating his uncle after he was created and soon disappeared.


"Rise my son, you have much more to accomplish. Let your true fighting spirit be expose to his eyes and finish your battle until you had slain the evil within my brother."

"Father, how could this had happened? I put him in forever sleep. He was never meant to be awakened until I remove the spell within him..." Asked a shadow to the moon.

"The dark energy of the Witherstorm and the Command block caused your spell to weaken. Now that my brother is waking up, is no doubt he will want to cause destruction and death once more."

"Indeed the dark energy had roamed, but I had absorbed it after it's death."

"It's seems that some of the dark energy manage to weakened it before you managed to collect it all. You can not use the spell once again, otherwise it will cause all the life of the land including yours. Now you have no choice, you must awaken your true spirit and defeat my brother's darkness before it's too late!"

The dark shadow bowed before he rised. "As you wish father. I will not let the darkness cause too much harm."

Before the shadow  ran off, he looked straight at you and the dark blue eyes shinned and turned into a wolf. Now all there is left is the moon shinning much more than it has before.

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