Chapter Three

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"School robes?"





"I think so..."




"Is that even a question, mother?" Newt said tiredly. "We've already gone through the list of things I need to bring. I have a toothbrush, comb, slippers, robes and dozens of pre-made sandwiches!"

"You never know when you're going to get hungry! It's a long journey!" Newt's mother stressed.

"Long enough that I can eat five sandwiches?"

"You may make four friends on the steam train to Hogwarts." his mother reasoned.

"Four friends, who do you think I am?"

"You already have Alexander."

"His name is Al, mother. Stop trying to...actually, just stop in general. Look, I packed my things last night and I have double checked several times and you've already checked it twice so stop worrying! Anything I don't get can be sent over by owl or something, right?"

"I guess, I'm just worried for your sake. Starting at Hogwarts is quite a big deal!" his mother responded.

"I've already packed all my things away and I'm already on the platform to go to Hogwarts! Just leave me be, I'll be okay!"

Newt kissed his mother goodbye on her cheek and hopped onto the train, sticking his head out of the window along with many other students. He waved enthusiastically at his mother, glad to be leaving for adventure.

"Newton, promise me one thing?" His mother said.

"What is it?" he called from the train window.

"Promise me you won't go looking for trouble!" she exclaimed.

"Sorry mother, can't hear you! See you at Christmas!"

"Newton Scamander!" she called, but it was too late.

The train had pulled out of the station and they were well on their way to Hogwarts. Newt smiled out of the window, drifting his hand over the wind, and returned on his adventure to find his compartment. 

"This is going to be a real adventure."

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