chapter 1//awards show

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I zipped on my long, red dress, put on my necklace and stared into the mirror. My long hair was gorgeously curled into beautiful waves and my makeup flattered my face perfectly. I let out a sigh. Another awards show, another after party. Don't get me wrong, I love it but I also love change; it's been a while since something drastic happened. I walk out of my apartment, hop into my Range Rover and drive to the Grammys (what a pretty boringly exotic sentence)
I arrive and instant chaos starts. People are yelling at me "Go this way, go that way," blah blah blah. I finally find my seat and make myself comfortable. All of a sudden, guess who sits by me. JOHN FREAKIN MAYER. I mean this is my forever musical idol. THIS IS A BIG FREAKIN DEAL. He turns to me and says
"Hi, I'm John." and puts out his hand for a handshake. I respond with
"I know, haha I'm Taylor" He responds with
"I know."


After taking 37738383 pictures and talking to millions of people I finally decide to sit down. As I'm approaching the aisle and spot my seat I realize who I'm sitting by. TAYLOR FREAKIN PARKS. She's been my celebrity crush for a few years now; I mean she's one of my all time favorite musically and for looks, well, God knows how she looks. I sat nervously down by her and introduced myself, and had light conversation.
"I'm actually a really huge fan of your music." I said.
"You're kidding!! You've been one of my favorites for so long now!" She said; I blushed so much she probably noticed. The show began and all I could think about the whole time was her.

I had no words; my musical hero said he's a huge fan of my music; I ACTUALLY TALKED TO HIM; and im sitting next to him. THE perfect night.

After the show when everyone was leaving, I turned to John and said
"It was great meeting you!"
"Wait- you're not coming to the after party?" He said.
"After party?"
"Oh yeah. It's over at Pinewood Social. You gotta come." HELL YEAH I WAS COMING IF JOHN MAYER ASKED ME.
"Alright, I'll be right over." I said, probably blushing as I walked away.

I don't think I've ever seen anyone so stunningly gorgeous in my life and I just convinced her to come to a party with me. This is gonna be good.

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