chapter 2// after party

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     I arrived to the after party, walked up to the bar and ordered a gin and tonic. Let's face it; it's been a long couple of weeks. Just as I grab my drink, John walks up to me.
"Well well well, look who it is." I chuckle to myself.
"You look beautiful tonight." He says. My stomach did somersaults.
"You're not too bad yourself." He blushed; I noticed. How could I not?
    All of a sudden, guess who walks up to me. My ex, Zac (Yes, Efron.) . Well, a fully drunk Zac.
"Hey man!! Whatcha doin with my girl??" He says, his words slurred. John gives me a weird look.
"John, this is my ex, Zac. My fully DRUNK ex. Go now, Zac." I said angrily.
"Hey hey hey, I'm just trying to loosen up you know?"
"Go. Now."
"YOU don't tell me what to do. I put up with a year of that shit."
"Hey now" John starts, now standing in front of me. "Back off man."
"So is this your new boyfriend now Taylor?? I guess someone needed a new slut"
"Dude. Stop." All of a sudden Zac pushed him.
"I'm not gonna stop, so you can go now-"
Zac starts but ends quickly when John punches him straight in the nose. I run outside, fully embarrassed and totally flustered. Of course now, there was a huge scene. The LAST thing I could ever want.

I felt horrible about that punch. I know I embarrassed her but it's what had to be done; what a jerk that guy was. I followed her outside to see her leaning on a column, staring ahead.
"Hey." I said.
"Hi." She muttered; still not looking at me.
"I'm really sorry, I just..." I put my hand on her shoulder. She whipped around, facing toward me.
"You 'just' embarrassed me. I just met you!! The rumors are gonna get so bad, and, I've been so down for the last few months, and this just," she started choking up "this just made everything worse". I hugged her and held her for a little bit. 
"Wanna go for a walk?" I said.
"Yeah." I go to grab her hand but she jerks it back.
"Nope. Not that." She said. "I just met you!! This isn't some weird fanfiction." She said and I chuckled.
"I wish it was" I said softly under my breath
I don't know what's wrong with me; I've never been one to catch feelings SO fast.

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