chapter 4//feelings.

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It's been a week. No calls, no texts, no anything. I figured he just wasn't interested, which makes me feel like an idiot considering what I felt that crazy night.
Today I was going into the studio to record a new single I wrote. I was nervous about it, considering the song was pretty personal and the lyrics were quite different than anything I've put out there.
I finished my cereal and went to get ready. I parted my hair down the middle and took the super long strands and put them into waves. I put on a white crop top, black skinny jeans, my leather jacket and my Chucks. I loaded my acoustic guitar, my electric and my amp. I drove over to the studio.
I walked into the vibey space, immediately greeted by my recording engineer, producer and this other guy who has helped me out on a couple other projects. The other instrumentalists were already warming up with the charts I gave them.
"Okay, Taylor. Go in and test out the mics." Just as I was about to walk out, I stopped in my tracks when I heard the words
"Oh my God. Taylor?" I turned around and who else could it be besides the infamous John Mayer.

I drove up and parked at the studio. My manager, Matthew had asked me to come in and help produce this single since he thought it would be right up my alley. I walked into the studio, then reached the recording room. All of a sudden I saw the tiny-bodied blonde-headed gorgeous Taylor Parks standing there.
"Oh my God. Taylor?" The words accidentally escaped my mouth.
"John?" She turned around and said. We stood staring at each other for a second before the engineer interrupted the silence.
"Oh yeah, John, Taylor. Taylor, John."
"Yeah we know each other." Me and her said at the same time.
"Um, okay. Taylor, John is going to be helping on producing a little bit."
"Oh great." She said with a sarcastic tone. I felt terrible, I hadn't talked to her since that night. Every time I pick up the phone I freak out because I like her so much I don't want to screw it up; which makes no sense. She probably thinks I'm not interested which hurts so bad.
"Okay Taylor. Go test the mics." She walked over to the booth. She put on the headphones, which were slightly large for her which I thought was adorable. She started singing random things and her silky voice flew through the microphones like butter; but the slight raspiness kind of, to be honest, turned me on.

Slowly but surely, the instrumentalists tracks got recorded and we proceeded to her voice. She did her first run through and I was completely floored. Her level of musicality was insane.
"John." The recording engineer said. "Anything you want to add or help her on?"
"Nope. She's perfect. I mean, her voice, but she's still perfect too, wait, I mean-" All of a sudden he reaches and flips a small lever.
"JOHN! She could hear all of that."
"What?? I saw you turn it off!!" I nervously said. I looked at her and she had her arms folded with a slight smile. I knew we both were blushing.
What's wrong with us? Or with me?? This was possibly the weirdest situation of all time.

Once we got her recording done, she came back in.
"Sounds really great." I said.
"Yeah." She said, not making eye contact and walking away. I wanted to talk to her, but I was waiting for the right time and place.
All of a sudden this tall, muscular guy approaches her.
"Oh my God, Jared! It's so good to see you!!" She exclaimed. I soon realized it was the celebrity Jared Leto. Oh God. I'm already jealous and she's not even mine.
"It's so great to see you too!" He said.
"How have you been?" She said.
"Amazing, you?"
"Just the same." She smiled and I swear I felt my knees go weak.
"Hey, um, maybe you wanna join me for some coffee some time? I know the best places in town." She glanced at me, and I realized it was so obvious that I was staring. I was praying in my head that she would say no.
"Sure. Saturday alright?" My heart sunk. She wasn't interested. I screwed things up. Again. I still need to tell her how I feel.
"Alright. I'll see you guys later!" He gave her a hug and left.
"Alright guys, we're gonna hit the road." The producer and engineer said and left. She walked over to me.
"Hi." She said, finally making eye contact with me. We were the only ones left. This was my time to tell her how I feel.
"Hi." I said. "Listen, about the other night-"
"Yeah. I know, it was a mistake. I was drunk and sad and yeah. I knew it meant nothing. I'm sorry."
"Oh." I said. I felt like I had just gotten hit by a train.
"Was, was there something else you were going to say?" She said, sounding slightly nervous.
"Um, nope. That was it." I said, awkwardly laughing, looking at the ground and scratching the back of my head.
"Okay, well, I'm gonna go." She said. "I'll see you around." She said, turning around and beginning to walk out.
"Wait, wait, wait." I said, catching up to her and grabbing her arm. She looked at me with her gorgeous eyes. "I can't help the way I feel about you. Whenever I'm around you, I just feel so alive, like a thousand lighting bolts were injected into me. My tounge swells up and my heart feels full and my brain can't function right. Listen," I said. "I know I just met you." I took a step closer to her, my fingers touching hers ever so slightly. "The way I feel about you," I laughed under my breath. "Is like nothing I've ever felt before". She just kind of started at me for second as I anxiously waited for a response.


I was freaking out. I felt like I was about to either vomit, faint or I don't even know.
"I, I, I didn't think you even liked me." I said, appalled.
"I know. I'm terrible at relationships. I liked you so much I was scared to screw it up. Stupid, I know-"
"No, not stupid at all." I said, smiling.
"I know you just said you'd go out with Jared, so-"
"Plans can be canceled. To be honest I was hoping it would make you jealous. Guess I was right." I said, he blushed, smiling and looking at the ground.
"You know, I do know the best coffee shops in town. Wanna go have some with me sometime?" He said, imitating him in a funny voice. I laughed.
"Oh my God, Is Saturday okay??" I said using a fake squeaky voice.
"Sounds good." He said real this time, and we just kind of stared at each other for a second. Why does this keep happening? He leaned in, and our lips almost touched as soon as someone (aka my producer) walked in.
"Hey guys, lock up, will you?" He said.
"Yeah sure." We both said at the same time; we laughed at each other. My producer left.
"Okay. See you later, John." I said, smiling and walking out.
"See you, Taylor." He said, smiling.

Paper Doll// John Mayer Where stories live. Discover now