chapter 3// drunk/take me home

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We walked around for a while, through the gardens that surrounded the beautiful building. We talked about everything from The Grateful Dead to how annoying the paparazzi was to wondering what made the sky blue; I've never felt so close to someone so soon. We went back into the building to see a giant party had formed. She immediately went over to the bar and before i knew it she was crazy drunk. Her words were slurred, she was dizzy and disoriented; but I still hadn't had a drink. Eventually the place was cleared out and we were the only ones left.
"Alrighty... I have to gooooo" She said, almost stumbling over.
"Nonono wait a minute, you're not driving home like that". I carried her out to the car and sat her in the passengers seat.
Once we reached her house, I got out and helped her walk to the door.
"No.... come stay till I'm not so dizzzyyyyy" she said.
"I can't do that." I said, even though I really wanted to.
"Pleaaseeeee just for my safetyyyy"
"Fine, but only for your 'safety'." We went into her beautiful house and she fell on the couch.
"Will you go fetch me one of my big t shirts, top drawer on the left pleaseeee" she said. I went into her room and grabbed it.
I brought them to her.
"I'll be right back, don't go anywhere" She said, still so drunk. I turned on the TV, went to Netflix and turned on only the greatest show of all time friends. Right as the theme song came on she ran out of her room with the huge t shirt and long socks; may I say she looked so absolutely gorgeous, I almost couldn't stand it. She slid across the hardwood floors and began singing into her 'air mic'. It was probably the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life. She sat (well, fell) onto the couch and sang it to each other. When the song was over she paused it right away.
"Heyyyyyy you're not comfy!!! There's some old Zac clothes in there" I could notice her beginning to sober up. I went in and put on a white t shirt and gray sweatpants. I went back out and sat by her. She was sober for the most part but was hungover really bad.
"Geez, I'm sorry for being so drunk and stupid. I can't believe I was like that in front of you." She said shyly, holding her head due to the headache.
"No worries. I better g-" I began.
"No, let's finish this episode. C'monnnn" She said grabbing my arm.
"Okay." I said smiling and looking down. She cuddled up next to me, her head on my shoulders. She was the first girl I had ever seen so stunning in this situation. I slowly started moving my hand to hers and finally I just went for it and held it; she held it back. I swear you could SEE the sparks fly. (I've never been this sappy, what the heck.) All of a sudden, she looked at me, I looked at her, and suddenly our lips slowly collided.

As soon as he grabbed my hand, I had pretty much lost it. I looked at him, he looked at me and before we knew it it was a pretty heated make out session. His hand moved to my thigh with the other on the back of my head. All of a sudden I realized what the heck was happening and jolted up.
"Oh my God.. I can't believe-"
"I know." He said and stood up.
"I'm gonna go"
"That's probably a good idea." I said, immediately regretting it. He walked to the door
"Wait, the clothes-"
"Keep them." I walked him to the door.
"Thanks for bringing me home" I said, him halfway out the door.
"Yeah." He said staring into my eyes for a good 10 seconds then left. As soon as he walked out the door I jolted to the kitchen, grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled my number on it. I ran out the door yelling
"JOHN WAIT!!" I ran up and handed him the piece of paper. "I really wanna see you again".

THANK GOD she gave me her number. I felt so awkward about the situation I didn't even want to ask; I almost felt bad.
"Me too. Yeah, a lot." I said, smiling and looking down. We started into each other's eyes for a few more seconds.
"Well...I better.. get going. I'll see you Taylor."
"Bye John." She said waving goodbye as I walked out to the car. This was one of the most amazing nights of my life and I can't believe I didn't believe in soul mates before.
I definitely do now.

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