Not That Kinda Girl

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Dinah's POV
(Before Her)
It was just another Friday. Another day of school. Where I won't pay attention. Another weekend spent doing nothing. I don't know how I'm passing my classes. I don't pay attention and I have the highest grades. I'm smart but I can't figure out my life. I can't figure out simple questions in life. I don't try to and I don't want to have conversations with people. It always leads to drama. I've only ever had one person I could always talk to or rely on. And it was Normani Kordei. Normani was my best friend. But she had to had to move back to Texas. We tried keeping touch but it didn't work out and I haven't talked to her since. I've been going half of my sophomore year and so far junior, solo. My school was one of those schools you saw in movies or shows. There was three cheerleaders. And there was me. I was below the nerds. I had the highest grades and yet I managed to get a spot at the bottom of the list. The school loser. I could play sports but I want to spend the least amount of time at school as possible. There were 'pops' as they like to say. It's just a shorter way of saying popular. But the head cheerleader, of course had to be Camila Cabello. I used to know her. We talked and hung out sometimes. That was in 6th grade before she became a total bitch. Her main squad consisted of two other girls. One by the name of Zendaya Coleman and the other being Ally Hernandez. Ally was short but, don't let that trick you. She could beat up someone twice her size... Blindfolded. Unfortunately I've seen her do it before. Until someone was brave enough to stop it. So I try not to interfere much with them, but they always go around looking for me. Over a thousand kids in the school and they chose me to pick on. Here's the thing with Camila. While we were friends, our parents worked together. Her parents not liking me, for some reason. Then my parents moved the business and her parents didn't mind because they agreed it was for the best. But I had told Camila that I was gay and word got to her parents. Her parents are homophobic I guess and this just gave them another reason not to like me. They told Camila some stupid shit making her hate me and now it's been like that ever since. She used my personality against me.
"Hey! Dinah [dee nAh]" I heard a familiar voice say as I was pushed into the locker.
"It's Di-Nah" I said correcting her. She did it on purpose I knew that but I wasn't going to let her say it wrong.
"I didn't ask. Anyway how's it hanging?" She laughed. I didn't dare look up at her.
"I'm fine, thanks. You can go now." I snapped.
"Oh come one lesbehonest here. You're obviously not fine. You won't even look at me." I knew the consequence. If I dared to look at her, I'd be getting a beating. It's Friday, who wants that?
"What? Are you afraid, afraid if you look you might catch feelings?" She laughed along with Ally and Zendaya. I don't understand why they couldn't just leave me alone.
"Bye Camila." Saying her name wrong on purpose before turning around, and getting books from my locker. I was pulled by my hair to the floor.
"Listen here Puta! You don't just flip us off! You've got a problem with her saying your name wrong but you come and say her name wrong on purpose. You've got a lot of nerve. If I so much as hear another peep out of you, your precious face won't be so "precious" anymore. Got it?" The short one said. I just nodded and rubbed my head.
They walked away, chatting about something I could care less about. I got up, finished at my locker and headed home. I'm so glad it's the weekend, actually. No more Mila, Days, or Ally. No more Drama. Just me, my phone, my bed, and some food. It's better than school, for me. I walked home and plopped down on my bed. Most would say this was going to be a long weekend. But,
this was going to be a short weekend.

A/N so next chapter is going to Tuesday. Let's just say they had Monday off for whatever reason. Just so you know.

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