That's Impossible!

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Chloe woke up the next morning rested and hugged from behind. Looking over her shoulder she smiled at the sleeping devil. Kissing him on the cheek, she climbed out and took a shower. Wanting to beat him on making breakfast she began early. As the bacon was finishing, Chloe checked her phone frowning at the message from an unknown number.

*Do you know what Lucifer was up to last night when he left your side?*

Deciding to do the stupid thing, she took the bait.*Who is this?*

The response was quick. *Names don't matter right now. you didn't answer my question? *

*What question? Lucifer didn't leave my side last night at all. *

*Heavy sleeper are we now. Ask him, let's see how much of that loyalty does he really have? *

*Listen I don't want to hear from you again and stay away from Lucifer. *

For about five minutes all was quiet. *Sweetie, he is the one that can't stay away from me.
PS. He really is good in bed, especially in the shower.*

Chloe's frown got deeper and the fear within her got bigger, as far as she knew Lucifer wouldn't cheat on her. Would he? Jumping at the arms around her waist, Chloe pulled away from him.

"What's wrong?" Lucifer grumbled, seriously what is the matter with mortals and their mood swings.

Chloe kept avoiding his eyes. "Did you leave last night?"

Lucifer nodded, shutting the stove off. "Yes for about an hour. Maze texted me saying she had updates on the two other men. Turns out we still have one more on the run, but all is good." Seeing the sadness on her features he got worried. "Why do you ask?"

"Is that all you did?" Chloe asked.

"That and I decided to take a shower before coming back here. When I got here you were still asleep." Taking a step towards her, he sighed as she backed away. "Chloe what is the matter?"

"Lucifer you have never lied to me right?" Lucifer nodded. "And you won't start now right?"

"Chloe I told you-I promised you I would never lie to you and I never have. I won't start today, nor tomorrow or ever." Leaning on the island he stared into her eyes. "Now tell me what is this all about?" Instead of responding, she handed him her phone. Lucifer's frowned was replace by disgust then anger. "Who in the hell sent you this?!"

"I don't know; do you recognize the number?" Chloe whispered.

Lucifer shook his head. "No. when I find out who sent this-" He glanced over at her. "You didn't believe this? Did you?"

Chloe shrugged. "At first I did, but then again you have never lied to me."

"Chloe the same rule for lying applies to betrayal. I will never break your trust in me, especially for a whore." Pulling her into a hug gently, he kisses her on the head. "I may be the devil, but I am not that bad." Chloe chuckled. "I'll find who sent this and when I do…" Chloe didn't see his eyes change nor his face, but she felt him get warmer almost to a burning feeling.

Trixie walked out of her room at that moment, the little animal beside her. "Morning mommy, morning Lucifer."

"Morning ba-Trixie did you sleep with that?" Chloe groaned, tossing a glare at Lucifer. Trixie just nodded. "He sleeps on the floor, not the bed. Okay?"

Sighing in defeat she nodded. "Okay, come on Lucifer!"

Both adults looked after the girl and dog. Lucifer looked offended as Chloe was just laughing.

"That was rather disturbing." Lucifer mumbled.

Chloe smiled. "I find it rather cute."

"Of course you would." Pulling her towards him he slightly kissed her on lips. "Any leads on the case?"

Chloe shook her head. "No, so you caught another?"

"Maze did and sent him back. Now all I have to do is look for the last one." Lucifer answered.

Chloe nodded. She was still bugged by the messages and even though he said it was all a lie, she couldn't stop that nagging voice in her head yelling 'lie! Lie!'. Lucifer had never lied to her and doubted he would start now. Granted he slept with anything that breathed, but knowing him Chloe knew he wasn't one to betray. Deciding on believing Lucifer, Chloe erased the messages. Nothing was going to ruin the new happiness, both her and her daughter have found.

For the past week Lucifer and Maze had yet to find the last escapee. Chloe was running out of thing to tell the victims' families. They knew who was killing the girls. Problem was they couldn't seem to catch him. Lucifer had set more than 10 hounds on him thru out the week, some came back others were found dead. Maze came back with a knife in her abdomen, which Lucifer healed. Even Lucifer went in search of him, but came up with nothing. Lucifer and Maze were convinced that someone was helping him. Apparently if he was not being helped they would have caught him days ago.

Chloe on the other hand, had been feeling bad for the past two days. She had a fever that came and went, making her feel like being on fire. Throwing up every few seconds, her head was killing her and chest felt hot. Whenever the fever appeared, Chloe had a difficult time getting up from bed or walking. Lucifer had been freaking out wondering what was the matter. For the past two days of her fever, he had her in bed not letting her up.

It was on the third day that he finally called helped.

Lucifer walked into her room, with a cup of water. Chloe was in the bed groaning from the fever. Placing a hand on her forehead he frowned at how hot she was. He could have sworn she was hotter than his hell fire.

"Love?" Lucifer whispered.

Chloe opened her eyes slowly. "Hey, what time is it?" Grabbing her phone she gasped. "It's ten am! Lucifer I have to go to work!"

Pushing her back down he chuckled. "Relax luv. I had Maze call you in sick."


"Detective you can barely stand, you are in no condition to work." Lucifer argued. Seeing her mumbled something he worried at how quickly she went back to sleep. Her fever was rising even more, causing the sheets beneath her wet. "Oh love what is the matter?" After an hour of showing no sign of getting better Lucifer did the one thing he hated more…ask for help. "I know you can hear me. brother. I need help."

Amenadiel showed up within seconds. "Finally came to your sense brother?"

Lucifer glanced at him. "Amenadiel? H-help me."


"I need your help. Chloe is not well and I fear father will take her from me." Lucifer spoke, he knew that at any given moment she could be taken from her. If that happened, nothing will stop him from declaring war to the heavens. "I don't know what to do, just tell me what is wrong."

His brother walked up to her slowly. Running his hands over her body he frowned. As he reached her stomach some kind of barrier pushed him away. Repeating the process Amenadiel sighed, this was not going to be good news.

"Lucy she is not sick per say." He whispered.

"Then what is the matter with her!" Lucifer growled.

"She is with child Lucifer." Seeing Lucifer shake his head, he repeated. "You have damned this woman to carry the child of Satan. Lucifer you have damned her to death."

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