They are mine!

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Chloe woke with a slight groan, her body ached, but in a very good way. Trying to move she froze at the pair of arms around her waist, come to think of it she also felt someone's chest against her back. 'Please don't be Dan, please don't be Dan'. She repeated over and over, turning around slightly she exhaled deeply in relief at the sight of Lucifer. Suddenly everything from the previous night came rushing back into her mind. Trixie, Malcolm, Lucifer dead, Lucifer not dead, him being the devil and his wings, the sex. Snuggling closer to him she smiled at the arms tightening around her.

"Morning detective." Lucifer yawned.

"Morning." Pushing herself off him Chloe sat on the edge of the bed, her back towards him.

Lucifer chuckled at the squeal she gave when he pulled her back. "And where do you think you are going? I am far from done with you."

Chloe moaned as he kissed her neck. "As much as I would love to stay in bed with you, Dan will be here soon and I have to make Trixie breakfast and get her ready to go."

Lucifer sighed but jumped off the bed. "Right then, you grab a shower and I will start breakfast."

Chloe nodded, pulling him down for a quick kiss. "Alright."

"Good." Kissing her once more he grabbed his boxers and slacks, walking out of the room shirtless.

Chloe fell back onto the bed with a groan. Oh hell! She was in a relationship with the devil! How the hell does this feel so good? So right. Jumping off the bed she grabbed her clothes and towels before jumping into the shower.

Lucifer was in the middle of making an omelet when Trixie walked into the kitchen, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Hello, child."

Trixie grinned up at him. "Lucifer!" Trixie ran towards him, but a pair of soft hands grabbed her into a hug.

"Whoa their monkey, how did you sleep?" Chloe kissed her on the head. She was still worried about the aftermath of last night. But by the looks of it, she was better than fine.

"Good mommy."

"Great, now go change while Lucifer and I finish breakfast." Trixie nodded running into the bathroom.

Chloe turned to Lucifer who gave her a thankful smile. "What is it with you and kids?" She handed him one of Dan's old shirts.

Lucifer shrugged. "They are too pure, too innocent." Taking the shirt he scrunched up his nose. "Thank you, darling, but I would not be caught dead in that." Tossing it aside he turned back to her.

"Right and the devil can't have that." Chloe teased. Ignoring his last comment.

"Exactly, but Trixie is young. I still have time to corrupt her." Lucifer grinned, laughing at the smack he got on the arm.

"Don't you dare." Even though it came out stern, he knew she was joking. Walking over to him she inhaled the sweet aroma within her kitchen. "What are you cooking?"

Before she could even blink Lucifer had her against the counter, trapped between his arms. "Omelets. Now I believe I deserve payment for this."

Chloe smirked. "What kind of payment?"

"Mmmm." Lucifer nudged her nose with his, giving her an invisible brush to the lips. "Let me show you." Lucifer held her gently, cupping her face with one hand. He leaned down and softly kissed the tender area at the base of her neck. Chloe's body went rigid with surprise as trembles shook her body and the euphoric warmth blossomed within her once more. Chloe was breathless with delight as he showered her with gentle, soft kisses, each with its own flicker of warmth. she gazed up at him, thrilled beyond words to be the recipient of his affection. He drew back again and spent a moment studying her face. Chloe felt her blush deepen under his scrutiny. Lucifer gazed at her lovingly, his eyes softening with tenderness before sparking with something else. He tilted her head to the side and kissed her, his lips demanding. she felt a smoldering heat deep within her as Lucifer's grip tightened, crushing her body to his, gentle yet firm. He slanted her head further, deepening the kiss. The spell however was broken by a rather loud gasp. They pulled back turning to the front door where Dan stood, jaw dropped.

Lucifer growled pushing himself away from Chloe but keeping her slightly behind him as they faced her ex. "Detective douche, so nice of you to join us."

Dan looked from Lucifer to Chloe not able to believe what he was seeing. "I must be having a nightmare. Yeah, that will explain why my wife-"

"Ex!" Both Lucifer and Chloe cleared.

"Is kissing you! And you are half-naked!" He turned his glare towards the women. "Chloe what the hell are you thinking!?"

Chloe flinched hiding even more behind Lucifer. "Dan please not here. Trixie is-"

"You had sex with him, while my daughter was here!? And you tell me to keep calm! Have you lost it?!" Dan growled, he wouldn't admit it but the only reason he was acting this way was because of his jealousy. Chloe was his and only his.

Lucifer took a step forward. "I will not tolerate you speaking to Chloe in that tone." His tone came out in a deep almost dark Vader kind of way.

Dan took a step forward as well. "Who is going to stop me? You?" Raising a hand he pushed Lucifer back. "This is my wife, my daughter, my family! I will not let you come in and take them!"

Lucifer growled grabbing Dan by the throat, he slammed the man against the wall, lifting him off the ground at least two feet. Chloe had a flashback to the night father Frank was killed. "You can't prohibit me from anything, Chloe and Beatrice are now mines! I protect what is mine and anyone that tries to take them or harm them from me will regret it!" Lucifer felt a hand land on his arm, glancing down he stared into the only eyes he has learned to love.

"Let him go please." Chloe whispered.

Lucifer looked back at Dan, with a snarl he let the man fall to the ground gasping for air. "You should compose yourself, Beatrice is coming down the stairs."

Trixie bounded down the stairs, stopping at the bottom of the stairs she took in the scene. Her dad was on the ground coughing, Lucifer standing close to him and her mom holding Lucifer by the arm. With hesitation, she walked over to her dad. "You okay?"

Dan looked up at her, on look at Lucifer he stopped anything bad that was about to fly out. "Yeah, monkey. I was choking on a mint. Your mom and Lucifer were helping." Trixie smiled hugging her father.

"Guess what?" Trixie asked.


"Lucifer and mommy had a sleepover!"

Lucifer smirked, while Chloe closed her eyes waiting for the storm to commence. Dan's eyes darken as he stood up. His hands clenched on the side. His eyes never leaving Lucifer's amused ones.


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