Waitress Chapter 1

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Prompt: Rhys discovers a beautiful young women waitressing in Velaris yet he doesn't know her name. He is also giving money to a talented young artist by the name of Feyre Archeron who is making a living for her and her sisters in Velaris, although he has never met her.

Rhys was annoyed. Not just annoyed, pissed. Pissed at himself for being so unprepared for Mor's birthday but truly, pissed at Cassian. Cassian hadn't done anything in particular he had just been a bit more cocky and annoying than normal. Also Cassian had won the sparing match, which had only added to his cockiness. Rhys also was confused as to what to get Mor. Usually he would buy her dresses or something, never jewellery though. That was Amren's department.

Rhys sat down at a coffee shop on the main road, a small walk from the docks and river. He didn't dare order a coffee. That was more likely to add to his anger. Instead he just got a hot cup of tea. As Rhys sat waiting, his eyes flitted over the other shops around, a book store, one or two clothing stores and a restaurant named Doranelle's place. Doranelle's place was directly across from the cafe but was no competition. Whilst the cafe he was sitting in now had cool and comforting feel, the barista wore casual pants and a plain shirt with an apron, Doranelle's place had white and black uniforms and tables set up with table service.

There was nothing about the actual place that interested him, but one of the waitress' was smiling while taking a couple's order. She had sandy brown hair that was tossed in a ponytail. She was slim and seemed to smile at everyone around her. Rhys couldn't help but stare. Rhys stared and stared and stared. He jumped when he felt a small hand on his shoulder. The barista was nudging him with a worried look. "High Lord, are you okay? I called five times." He asked, and Rhys, despite feeling shaken up laughed it off. "Oh, I'm fine, just trying to work out what to get a friend as a gift." With a simple nod, the barista strode back to his bar.

Rhys looked back to the restaurant and didn't see the waitress. With a sigh he took a sip and kept watching the doors to when she would come back. Each time she walked out his heart would lift and his eyes would trail her as she weaved between the tables, arms full of food, and every time she went back inside he would deflate somewhat. Rhys raised the cup to his lips and took a sip, only to find it empty. Sighing, Rhys thanked the barista and headed out.

Rhys went to a mixture of different stores but came out empty handed each time. On his way home he went through the Rainbow, for one last chance at anything. He was about to give up when, on the end of the street, there way a modestly sized canvas with the view of Velaris from it. It caught his eye immediately and he went to the window to look at it closer. It was so well done he could've sworn it wasn't a painting. Entering the shop, the lady behind the counter came up and bowed her head "High Lord, how can I help you today?" Rhys smiled at her and said "Please, just Rhysand, and I was wondering if you could show me that painting in the window?" "Of course, just follow me." She pulled the painting out with so much care, as if it could break at any moment, and set it down on the counter. Rhys admired it and asked "Who is the artist?"

The woman laughed and said "A young lady, her name is Feyre Archeron, she is only 20, years. I've never seen someone with her talent considering how young she is." Wow, Rhys thought. :I'll take it." Rhys said automatically, and then amended himself, "Sorry, I mean is it for sale?" She laughed and showed Rhys the price, so small for such an amazing work. "Feyre is trying to raise enough money to start her own shop, she had a rough time as a child, but she ran away on a ship with her two sisters and when the ship came here to trade they got off. I like to help her by selling her paintings here." She added. How fitting that the back story was much like Mor's. Rhys pondered the idea and then slipped the lady a paycheque and said to her "Give that to Feyre and let her know that the night court is behind her and her dreams, and that it is an honour to have seen and own one of her paintings. No matter how young she is, she is gifted" The lady thanked and thanked him as he made his way out of the shop, before winnowing home.

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