Chapter 3 - Not everything that Glitters...

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As Lucas looked for the book Maya stood in front of the art books thinking about what they had just talked about. Did she really see him as a brother? Was she in denial? She did the only thing that she could think of and called Riley while Lucas was on the other side of the store.

"Come Riles pick up," she said to the ring tone.

"Hi Peaches," Riley said as though everything that had happened that morning was a normal occurrence.

"Riley can I ask you a question about Lucas?" Maya said trying to get to the point before he came back.

"Maya I told you the other day that I can't help you when it comes to Lucas, you have to figure it out on your own."

"Riley please just answer my question and...."

"No Maya, just let it go," Riley said when another voice came over the phone.

"Hey Maya, please don't upset Riley," Josh said over the phone. Maya's heart started beating really fast at just the sound of his voice.

"Sorry Josh, it's just that I need my best friend right now and she's not here and a lot is going on."

"Maya a lot is going on with Riley too, she needs this space right now. Remember she loves you even if she isn't there but in the end it's not enough to help her or you out of whatever is going on in your lives. I think it's time you learn to find yourself without Riley helping you."

"Okay, can you tell her I miss her and that I'll see her when she gets back," Maya said knowing that she needed her best friend.

"Sure thing Maya, you have a good night," Josh said before hanging up the phone.

Maya slid down onto the floor and sat there for a few minutes surrounded by art books of artist she aspires to be. The sound of Josh's voice made her heart speed up, even when he was defending Riley. Did she ever feel like that towards Lucas? She wondered. Lucas who is looking for a book to give Riley that he thinks she'll love, and knowing Riley he was right. Lucas who would do anything to not hurt anyone because of what happened in Texas. Was she the cause of all of this?

"What have I done?" Maya said to the books around her. Lucas was right she didn't like him like that, but she didn't know how she liked him yet. At the sound of Josh's voice her heart automatically reacted but she knew that he would keep pushing her away because of the age difference. "What do I do Riley?" she asked no one in particular.

"Hey Maya I found the book," Lucas said as he came towards her. "Why are you on the floor?"

"I felt like sitting down Ranger Rick."

"Maya what's wrong?"

"How do you know something's wrong..."

"Maya," he said as sat down next to her.

"I called Riley."

"Maya why did you do that?"

"I just... I wasn't thinking... I wanted to talk to my best friend about some guy who dumped me and told me he liked her more, a guy who knows what she likes and will spend a ridiculous amount of money on a book. I wanted to know if you were right about what you said earlier."

"Was I right?"

"Yes you were, don't tell anyone I said that or I'll kill you," she said smiling at him. "Josh came on the phone while I was talking to her, my heart started racing and I wondered if that ever happened when we were near each other and now I know. But I also know one more thing and that's the fact that I really hurt my best friend and I hurt you because of all of this. If it hadn't happened she wouldn't be in so much pain right now."

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