It Does Matter

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Rick's POV-

"Coral! Where were you?" I said too coral as soon as he walked in the door. "Oh...I was over at Jessie's house...she introduced me to one of her sons...and a few other people..." He said looking down. Coral wasn't acting as he usually did. "Is everythang ok, Coral?" I asked him. "Yeah. It's fine." He said as he walked over to Judith. "Well, I've gotta go, Coral. I'll see you later." I said as I walked towards the door. Just before I walked out I saw Maggie. I gave her a 'go talk to Coral, somethang's up' look.

Maggie's POV-

Somethings up with Carl, I guess. I saw Rick give me another one of those looks. "What's up?" I said as I sat down next to Carl. "Nothing..." He said as he looked down at Judith. " can tell me anything. I know your what's going on?" I asked him with concern now. What if it had something to do with the ship? What if they didn't work out! Shut up! Don't be so negative! "Fine..." Carl said as he took a deep breath. I prepared myself for the worst. "...I met her...her name is Enid. And I also met her of them is a total jerk. Maybe I was blushing a little when I met Enid and...her friend Ron...started laughing at me..." Carl said  looking down. "Whatever! Who cares what he thinks!" I said as I threw my arms up in the air. "....She was laughing at me too..." Carl said.

Carl's POV-

"...You don't know that she was laughing at you." Maggie said to me. "No I do know...I must've looked hilarious..." I said. "...Well hey, why don't we try to think of something good from this." Maggie said. "Um...what?" I asked with a confused tone. "Next time you see her, make a joke about how red your face was. It's perfect!" Maggie said clapping her hands. "...Maybe. But what if she won't even give me a chance now..." I said. "Then forget her, if she doesn't want to get to know you, then she doesn't deserve your time." Maggie said. "Thanks Maggie." I said. "No problem!" Maggie said smiling. I hugged her and she hugged back. "I just hope you two get together, you'd be really cute together!" Maggie said. "Maggie! Stop!" I said as my cheeks turned red again.

Next Day-

Enid's POV-

I walked through the woods and tried to be quiet. Whatever it was behind me didn't seem to care if they were loud or not. I saw a tree and quickly hid behind it. The noises stopped. I quickly glanced from behind the tree and saw Carl standing there. "I know your following me." I said. He didn't say anything, he just stood there looking confused. "...So are you gonna say anything?" I asked as I stepped out from behind the tree. "Why are you following me?" I said laughing a little at the awkwardness. "...I just wanted to know what you do out here..." He said as he looked at me. "I don't really know...I just come out here sometimes. I think you'll get it gets boring in there." I said. "...Really? But you have everything in there. You have food, a safe place to stay,...other people." Carl said. "Well those 'other people' don't get it..." I said to him as I turned around. He was just like another new comer, he didn't understand that being inside made you weak.

Carl's POV-

Is Ron one of those 'other people'? I hope he is. Hey, why's she walking away from me? Did I already mess up?! "Everyone seems nice in there...I thought you had lots of friends, like Ron." I said as I started to follow her. I wanted to find out what she really thought of that boy. "Yeah, he is really nice." She said smiling a little as she looked down. "...Then why do you come out here? I mean I know you think it's fun and all...but why do you really come out here?" I said. She stopped walking and looked down at the ground. I caught up to her and stood next to her. "No one in there really cares about each other...I'm not close to anyone..." Enid said as she tried to avoid looking at me.

Enid's POV-

I couldn't help but think of my family. I didn't know anyone here. I was closest Ron out of everyone in that place, but still, we aren't as close as I'd like. "Did you have a family?" Carl asked me. Wow, perfect timing, he really knew how to make a girl cry. "Yeah..." I said as I started to walk away from him. I felt my eyes water. "What happened to them?" He asked. "It doesn't matter." I said as I tried to ignore him. I wish he didn't ask me anything personal, I barely knew him. "It matters to me." He said as he caught up to me and held my hand. I quickly pulled my hand away from his, I don't really know why I did. I turned and faced him. "What are you trying to do?" I asked him, I already knew, I just wanted to hear him say it. I looked at him as he tried to think of what to say. My eyes wandered over to the crowd of walkers forming behind us. "Follow with me." I said as I took his hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2016 ⏰

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