Writing Romance Scenes

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It's an inevitable and slightly uncomfortable life topic. As taboo as it's made out to be it's a natural part of life. Everyone has or will do it and honestly, thank God for s.ex because none of us would be here without it, right?

Since s.ex is an inevitable part of life, it will eventually pop up in literature at some point. You and I can both agree that we've seen s.ex all over wattpad and if you say you haven't you've either got some good controls on your computer or you're just a straight up liar. I can bet it's the second one.

I call BS.

So the question remains, why is sex such a taboo subject in writing, specifically here on wattpad? Oh, I don't know? Maybe it has something to do with the way s.ex is written? When s.ex, wattpad and fanfiction are put together things can get really scary and fast. So,how can you make a difference in portraying s.ex scenes that won't scar everyone who comes across your story for life? 

Let's talk about it.

1. Don't be afraid

At some point in our lives, most of  us think about or want to have sex with someone. Your characters, although fictional, will have these same desires especially if they are in a romantic relationship with another character or attracted to them. When things start getting heated between your characters it can be a bit uncomfortable for you the writer, especially if you have no prior sexual experience. 

So, what do you do if you're a virgin who can't drive and it is absolutely imperative that your characters Marvin Gaye and get it on?

The answer is simple: let go of your fears and just do it (pun intended).

I can share by personal experience. Very, very recently I wrote a sex scene with no real life sexual experience for a story of mine on another wattpad account. At first I was super nervous, thinking that I couldn't do it but I knew that sex between my two characters would drive the plot forward and  extinguish the burning sexual tension between the two.

How did I do it?

Research, research, research!!

You will find that it is the holy grail of writing, especially when writing about things you're not well educated in

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You will find that it is the holy grail of writing, especially when writing about things you're not well educated in. 

Don't be like me an wait years putting off a sex scene convincing yourself that you can't do it because you're a virgin. Do your research and believe in yourself. Also, if you so wish, get together a list of your favorite sexy songs to listen to while you write in order to get yourself ~in the mood~.

2. Watch your tone!

Normally when it comes to sex in literature  there are two different types:

1. Erotica

 Written sex meant only to arouse the reader. Erotica usually doesn't beat around the bush and gets straight to the point. Harsh, pornesque euphemism are commonly used.

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