Roses are red
Violets are blue
I like everything about you, its true
I love your big brown eyes that shine in the light
And that face you make when you know your right
Your hair is soft, smoothed and curled
Baby, your my whole world
I like a lot of things about you, its a long list
I have a feeling you like me too
Ever since we kissed.
Haha hi :)
Nice poem huh?
Anyway this is Brokenhearted_xX , another wattpad account.
And I just wrote down this poem because its in this book I'm writing and I just wanted to share this with you guys :D
And I'm glad BrightLightz__ let me. Again I hope you like it.
Dusk Till Dawn
PuisiWe're all human beings. We have feelings. Were not robots because we have feelings. Their is sadness, curiosity and love. Yes love. Love is always in everyone's heart. Big or small. Love is powerful feeling, every second. Every minute. Every hour. ...