d e t e r m i n a t i o n

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Greetings, I am Chara. Chara Dreemurr.

Not long - when compared to the age of the Earth - after the war with monsterkind had finally ended, I was born. I was fascinated by everything about monsters, especially their magic, though I had been thought they were nothing more than a myth, a folklore, a fairy tale. All written information about the war had been destroyed or hidden to prevent my generation from ever knowing of it, in order to prevent anyone getting crazy ideas to free monsterkind, but my father himself had fought in the war been present when the Barrier was created and he often told me stories about monsters. Their king and queen, Asgore Dreemurr and Toriel Dreemurr, in particular really interested me. He described them as goats with human-like features and with the ability to speak and reason. And although I preferred animals over humans, I feared them. After all, I'd been told monsters were dangerous and filled with hate.

I visited Mt. Ebott quite often since I had been as lucky to be born in the village at the foot of that mountain. I wasn't exactly a social butterfly, in fact, I felt an intense hatred for humanity, and I often hiked up the mountain to be alone and I could've sworn I heard voices from the inside of the mountain one day. My parents always told me I was imagining things and I believed them.

I had never been to the highest point of the mountain - my parents had forbidden me - but despite their warnings, a few days after my tenth birthday, I was in quite a bad, perhaps horrible, mood so I walked all the way up and.. tripped over a vine, or root from a plant or tree of some sort. My life flashed before my eyes and I cursed myself for not listening to my parents' warnings. How could one have been so stupid? You tell me. Though, humans were stupid anyway. Every single one of them, and I was not an exception.

Despite falling from such a high place, I did not die. Instead, I simply lost my conciousness, though what happened after falling could very well have been a dream.

"Howdy," A voice of a boy, probably of about the same age as me, spoke to me. At least I think he was talking to me, maybe I had ended up in a nightmare or such. I smelled flowers around me and realised I had landed on my face. As I rolled over, I slowly opened my eyes and heard a sigh of relief from behind me.

Behind me was a goat. But not a normal goat. He looked like a human, too. He was wearing a green sweater with yellow stripes and dark pants that touched the ground when he walked. Not knowing what I should do, I introduced myself to him.

"Greetings," I stuttered. "My name is Chara."

The goat boy smiled.

"Chara, huh? That's a nice name. My name is Asriel Dreemurr."

Asriel Dreemurr. Dreemurr? I didn't know Toriel and Asgore had a son.

"So," he said, avoiding my gaze "You're the first human to fall down here."

He helped me stand up and supported me with his right arm as we walked to a place he called "the Ruins." He gave me a slice of cinnamon-buttercotch pie and gave me a chance to rest.


After walking for what felt like hours, we reached a place he called home. And I would never have known that that place would be my home, too. We were greeted by two other human-like goats. I figured they were Toriel and Asgore.

"Asriel," Toriel said "Where were you?"

I hid behind Asriel, not even daring to peek over his shoulder, as I had been told that the king and queen were filled with hatred. But Asgore saw me and I was paralysed by fear.

"Golly, Asriel" he said "Who have you brought with you today?"

"This is Chara! She's my friend, arent'cha, Chara?" Asriel said, looking at me with sparkling eyes.

"I.. guess so." I stuttered.

"Don't be afraid," Toriel reassured me. "I do not bite."

Asgore chuckled, then said "You are.. a human, is that right?"

Asriel, not aware of the war, nodded and so did I. His parents looked at each other, then at me, not knowing what to do. Despite everything, they decided to take me in since their son considered me as a friend. Humans were the bad ones. Monsters were friendly. My hatred for humanity grew bigger the longer I stayed in the Underground.

Not long after, I was officially adopted by Toriel and Asgore. They now were my adoptive parents and Asriel was my brother as well as very best friend.

I had made many friends with other monsters, too. The royal scientists, Mister Gaster, taught me basic science, physics and mathematics. Toriel taught Asriel and me all the other basics we would need. We lived a happy life, in peace. No humans, except for me. It was wonderful.


One day, I became very sick. I had planned to leave the Underground with Asriel, so he could gather more human souls to shatter the Barrier. I wanted monsters to be free, they deserved their freedom more than humans. I ate buttercups, which Asriel and I had poisoned our father with - not on purpose -, and Toriel told us they were poisonous. I poisoned myself. Nobody knew a cure and only Asriel knew I had poisoned myself. I had one last wish, and that was to see the flowers in my village again. I convinced Asriel to help me. Despite hating humanity, I spent many of my days in the flowerbeds around mount Ebott and my old village.

Once I died, Asriel's soul fused with mine, making him the "God of Hyperdeath", and he crossed the barrier. Human souls linger longer than a monster's soul can, after all. He crossed the Barrier, with my lifeless body in his arms, and walked down the mountain. Once in the village, people recognised me, although I had been gone for years, and they attacked Asriel. I told him to fight but despite my orders, he refused and was killed.

We died, together, in the flowerbed in my village. But both of our souls lingered for some reason.

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