Deep down he remebered

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As promised I'm updating again today but hopefully from now on I'm going to just update on Fridays! Thanks for all the reads and please vote and comment! Love you all :)❤️


Kenma was just left there looking confused about what happened.


His lips felt so familiar and his arms made me feel safe.


He thought as he sank to the floor and began to cry. "Why's this c-confusing?" He stammered, inhaling a large breath of oxygen before finishing his sentence. He thought of what that Kuro person had just done and his lips started to tingle and his heart sped up its beating. What is this? He thought, but deep down he knew, his mind just didn't want him to remember.


Should I text him? But I don't even know him. Why do I want to talk to him so badly?


He debated this for about 20 minutes before settling on speaking to him in person at school. Yes he remembered, he was the person he bumped into that day.


The night went by in a flash and Kenma didn't sleep one bit, his mind wouldn't stop racing and all his thoughts lead him back to that boy. That dark haired boy that made Kenmas cheeks flush red and his heart race with every thought of him. Who is this person? His mind began to wonder. Why do I feel like this? He challenged himself, almost with a feeling that deep down he knew, deep down he remembered. But as much as he knew that he knew he still didn't know who he was.


What was his relationship to me? Was his last thought before jumping out of bed to get ready for school.


He'd arrived to school later than he should have and had to run to class to make it on time. Once he got to class he slammed open the door and shuffled towards the spare seat by the window, fully aware that all eyes were on him as he felt his face slowly heat up as he looked down at the floor.


The teacher walked in merely seconds after he'd taken his seat and all eyes now turned to face the front, Kenma still keeping his eyes looking down on the desk tuning out the teacher's voice as they started the class.


At some point during his modern Japanese lesson something had caught his attention in the window, he turned to look and was soon in his own little world staring out at space.


"Kenma! Kozume Kenma..."

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