Chapter Nine

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Olivia stumbled through the doors in front of her, still deep in thought about what just happened. There stood Allison, and Olivia embraced her in a hug. She felt kind of awkward hugging someone she barely knew, but with the happiness inside of her, she couldn't have cared less.

"Was it what you thought it'd be?" Allison asked, leading Olivia back down the hallway.

It was more, Liv thought. It was something I didn't know Justin Bieber would make me feel...

"It was perfect," she answered. "Thank you so much - for everything." The two were in front of the arena doors, and Olivia was anticipating her return to Sarah.

"No problem," Allison said. "And if I know Justin, I'm sure I'll see you again." Olivia just smiled and gripped the scrap of paper in her hand. Then, she proudly entered the arena.

It seemed as if all eyes were on her, and they were all staring in envy at the girl who was sung to by Justin Bieber. Some were cheering, others looked extremely annoyed. Olivia didn't pay the slightest attention to any of them. Then, she saw Sarah.

"YOU'RE SO LUCKY!!!" Sarah exclaimed, pouncing on her cousin with a constricting hug. When she felt she had squeezed enough, she pulled away, noticing the dazed expression on Olivia's face.

"Liv," Sarah continued, "I know this sounds awkward and totally unrealistic, but... are you falling for Justin Bieber?"

Olivia pondered on the thought. She barely knew him, they barely talked, but their relationship seemed practically real. He searched for her, serenaded her, gave her his number, and kissed her on the cheek! That was her sign that the Biebs was definitely interested in her, but what was she feeling?

Wait a second, Olivia told herself, cut that out! Your goal was to kiss Justin Bieber - not fall in love with him... but would it hurt? It might even help...

"Maybe?" she finally replied. She decided not to tell Sarah she had his number. Olivia didn't want to ruin her cousin's awesome birthday present.

Through the rest of the concert, Olivia decided to imitate the beliebers around her - it made the concert ten times more fun. She screamed, sang and danced like a little fan girl. And honestly, it was the most fun that she had had in a long while. When it felt near the end, a beautiful white grand piano was rolled onto the stage. Justin sat down at it, and began to play a wonderful melody.

Olivia intently listened to the lyrics. They actually meant something, compared to most of his other songs:

Mama, you were always somewhere

Daddy I live out of town

So tell me how could I ever be normal somehow?

You tell me this is for the best

So tell me why am I in tears?

I'm so far away and now I just need you here

Olivia tried to expunge the tears in her eyes before Sarah could see. She knew that Justin's parents broke up when he was really little. Olivia knew how that felt - her dad had left her and her mom when she was only three years old. She barely even remembered him. The song was reaching out to her, creating another reason why liking Justin Bieber was now actually worth it.

When the performance was finished, Justin ran backstage without any goodbye. That can't be the end, Olivia thought. Before she knew it, she was joining the crowd in a rousing protest for an encore. And in no time, Justin reappeared on the stage and sang his hit, 'Baby'. Then finally, after thousands of screams and tons of confetti, the show had come to an end.

Sarah and Olivia slowly filed out of the stadium and into the cool April evening. Olivia's car was parked right outside of the arena, but they knew it would be quite some time before they made it out. After about an hour and a half (counting getting out of the parking lot and the ride home), Olivia finally pulled into Sarah's driveway.

"Hey, Liv," Sarah said, "thanks for the great night. I had an amazing time."

"Thank you for letting me come," Olivia replied. "You're right, the kid isn't that bad."

Sarah laughed. "Haha, don't deny that you're sooo crushing on him."

"Yeah, okay," Olivia remarked, winking. "Good night!"

Sarah made her way inside, and Olivia backed out. She began her drive home, hoping that tomorrow would be just as amazing as today.

Or maybe even better.

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