Chapter One

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Melanie Preston had never had a good kiss. Not once. Her first kiss was absolutely disgusting. It was Robbie Janson in seventh grade, who had released about a gallon of pure spit into her mouth. All the following kisses were makeout sessions. Sure, the guys were hot, but she felt as if she was being swallowed. Melanie had been waiting for the perfect kiss.

That must be what happens when you're voted best looking in a secret poll by your sixth grade classmates. You end up getting asked out by the football captains, the lifeguards, and the guys in screamo bands. Those are the people you obviously say yes to. Then, you're confronted by the socially awkward guys still going through puberty. You let them down, don't even bother to fake any sympathy, then choose a winner from your long waiting list. You would never have to be single for your entire life.

As of her senior year, Melanie wasn't sure she liked that advantage.

All she wanted was a nice kiss - the ones she'd heard about from her not-so-popular friends. The kind that jolted electricity in your veins. The kind that conducted the hallelujah chorus in your imagination. The kind that set off heart shaped fireworks. Melanie had accepted that a football player didn't know how to kiss that way. All the good kissers probably didn't have the guts to ask her out.

So here she was, sitting next Scott Peterson, captain of the tennis team, wanting to go home. Even though they were at the movie theater, Melanie had no idea what was going on in the plot because Scott had turned to kiss her every five minutes. Sure, his weren't horrible, but she'd had better. Melanie told herself that if the movie wasn't over in two minutes, she would get up and walk out. Just like that. Fortunately, a huge and colorful 'The End' sprawled across the screen, cueing her exit.

As she headed for the door, Scott called after her. "Don't you want me to take you home?"

"Nah, I'll just take a taxi. Bye, Scott." Melanie made her way to the curb, where a lone taxi driver just happened to be waiting. She climbed in and announced her address.

When she arrived at her apartment building, Melanie paid the driver headed up to her room. She spurred a quick "Hey, Mom" and hid away in her room. Melanie plopped on her queen sized bed and dialed her best friend's phone number.


Olivia Carlstad was more of a background kind of person.   There weren't many people who knew who she was, and she was okay with that. She never really liked being the center of attention, or any point of attention for that matter. All that mattered to Olivia was spending time with her friends and family.

Her best friend, Melanie, on the other hand, was quite the opposite. Melanie was daring and outgoing. She'd been the class' most popular girl since middle school. Although she had so many friends, Melanie never forgot Olivia. They had been best friends since they could talk, and no amount of popularity could tear them apart. Sure, Melanie was a lot more social than Olivia. She went to parties and outings that Olivia wasn't invited to. Melanie had to switch lunch tables every day, and create a lab partner schedule.

But there were special things between the two of them that Olivia didn't have to share with anyone. She could look forward to those special sleepovers consisting of Johnny Depp movie marathons, peanut butter Oreos, and glow-in-the-dark nail polish. Melanie only went weekly window shopping with her, and only purchased items on the month's last Saturday with her. You don't share your best friend with anyone else. And that was one thing she could always count on Melanie for.

Olivia sat at her desk, putting the finishing touches on her latest drawing. A beautiful wild mustang lived on the white canvas paper. Its shiny hooves and perfectly shaped figure sparked pride in Olivia. She was proud of her hard work. As Olivia placed the last stroke of the green meadow, Taylor Swift's 'You Belong With Me' blasted from her cell phone.


"Hey!" Melanie greeted from the other end. "What's up, babe?"

"I just finished that horse I started in class today. How 'bout you?"

Melanie groaned. "I've returned from an absolutely nasty makeout session with Scott. Yech!"

"Was the movie good?"

"I'd tell you if I knew!" Melanie protested. "Yeah, we're never doing that again. Another guy, there and gone."

"You're going to go through every guy in our class by the time we graduate!" Olivia joked.

"If that's what it takes to find one who actually knows how to kiss, then bring it on."

"Whatever, crazy."

Melanie giggled. "So, for tomorrow, I invited Lainey and Kyrsten to a sleepover after shopping. You in?"

"I don't know..." Olivia stammered. She had been pretty good friends with Kyrsten and Lainey before last summer. They started lifeguarding with Melanie, and their uniforms granted them instant popularity. It's not that Olivia didn't like them, but they had definitely  changed.

"C'mon, Liv," Melanie whined. "This is an urgent meeting. I need my closest girls there."

"Fine," Olivia sighed. Where else was she going to spend her Saturday night?

"Yay!" Melanie cheered, igniting a tiny chuckle in Olivia. "Now, I need some help on my math homework."

"You're a real work in progress, Mel."

"Yeah, yeah, well not everyone can maintain a 3.9 like you. So what's the quadratic formula again?"

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