Chapter Ten

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Olivia stared at the slip of paper in front of her. Her heart was beating a hundred beats per second. The anxiety was taking over her, as she anticipated her first ever phone call to a boy - one that she knew she'd developed feelings for.

The whole situation was still unreal to her. How in the world did fate bring a shy science girl and the world's biggest pop star together? Olivia always had doubt that Justin wanted to know her of all people, even when the proof was clearly set out before her. But she was sure of one thing: Olivia was definitely closer to that kiss.

Okay, she told herself, I'm doing it. I'm really gonna do it. She pressed the first three numbers. This is it. And the next three. I'm calling Justin Bieber. The two after that. Wait, what if he doesn't pick up? The next one. What am I supposed to say for the voicemail? One. Last. Digit. I am SO going to regret this… And after thirty seconds of contemplating, she finally pressed CALL.

RING. No answer. RING. No answer. RING. Still. No. Answer. I'm so pathetic. Why would I believe that-



"Um, hey," she answered softly. "It's Olivia, if you remember..."

"Of course I do!" Justin replied. "I've been waiting for you to call. I was worried you lost the paper or something."

"Yeah, that'd be bad." Wow, that was a lame response.

Justin laughed, surprisingly amused. "Haha, you're cute." Olivia blushed, hardly believing what she just heard.

"So, I'm still in town for a while. Do you wanna meet up somewhere?"

"Um sure," Olivia stuttered. "How about Simmons Park, on the corner of Main and 26th streets?"

"Sweet deal," he said. "So around noon?"

"Sounds awesome," Olivia confirmed. "See you then."

"Okay, bye!"

Olivia pressed the END CALL button, still taken aback by the conversation. She was about to hang out with Justin Bieber on what you could call a... date. The word still flabbergasted Olivia in how amazing this all was. It was just... wow.

Liv glanced at the clock. 10:42. She knew it only took about fifteen minutes to walk to the park from her house, so that gave her about an hour to get ready. And she was positive that she would use every second of it.

After showering and blow-drying her short-ish hair, Olivia decided to curl it gently. She wanted the look to be stylish and fancy, but still appear natural. Olivia applied a small amount of eye shadow and blush, then wrapped up the makeup with a soft lip gloss. As for her outfit, she chose white denim capris, a rose floral-print tank, and red strappy sandals.

Olivia observed herself in the body length mirror. She had to admit that she looked sort of, well, hot. Her only concern was whether Justin would think the same thing.

Liv said goodbye to her mother before grabbing her purse and heading out the door. Sun rays beamed down on her face, complimenting the gorgeous weather. The temperature was precisely perfect - not too cold and not too hot. Olivia knew that suggesting the park was a smart idea.

When she walked through the park's gate, Olivia searched the area for Justin. But in every spot she checked, he was nowhere to be found. She began to worry because that was just her natural instinct. I can't believe he would stand me up...

Suddenly, Olivia noticed some dude staring at her. He was wearing dark sunglasses and he wore a Yankees flat cap on his head. Just when she started to get creeped out, it hit her.

Liv approached the guy, a playful smirk on her face. "Excuse me, have you seen a guy about five foot seven, brown hair, kind of famous? I was supposed to meet him here, but I can't seem to find him."

He chuckled a bit. "Sorry, you just missed him."

"Awwe too bad," she said. "Guess I'm just gonna have to go home." Olivia laughed and joined him on the blanket where he was sitting.

"You know," Justin started, "it was kind of funny watching you look around expecting to see Justin Bieber sitting there without paparazzi or anything."

"Yeah," Olivia replied. "I didn't really think about that... So, what's up?"

Justin sat up a little taller. "Well, I was thinking about things we could do at a park. So, I thought we'd start with a picnic." He reached behind him and brought out a basket.

"Oh, how cute!" she squealed. That was one of Olivia's favorite romantic things - picnics. "I bet you're a fabulous chef."

"You know it. I make a mean peanut butter and jelly."

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