Chapter Thirteen

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The hum of the elevator was the only sound that could be heard. Inside it was Olivia, standing awkwardly next to Justin's driver in complete silence. It took everything she had not to break down until she knew she was alone with Justin.

A ding sounded as a cue for the doors opening. Olivia followed the driver into the suite in front of them. The appearance was so elegant, but it wasn't like she didn't expect the best for Justin Bieber.

"Justin's bedroom is right there," the driver announced, pointing to a door in the corner. Olivia nodded and mouthed thank you. She held it together, knowing it would only be a matter of seconds before she could release her emotions.

Olivia slowly pushed the door open. Justin sat on the bed, playing on his phone. He tilted his head up when he heard the sound of the door.

"Liv, are you alright?"

She walked in a little more, closing the door behind her. She finally shook her head no. And without another word, Olivia ran to Justin and pulled into a hug. She cried intensely to let out all of her sadness. Justin rubbed her back and tried to calm her, but Olivia could not stop.

Suddenly, an idea came to Justin. He began to sing 'Down to Earth' because he knew how much she enjoyed the song.  Olivia's sniffs began to die down. She solemnly listened to Justin's voice, and she felt soothed and relaxed.

Olivia finally sat up and looked Justin in the eyes. He stopped singing. Then he smiled, and she smiled back.

"Thank you," she whispered. "I, I must look like a wreck."

"It's fine," Justin assured her. "I'm here for you. Now, tell me what happened."

Olivia took a deep breath before she began her story. She decided not to include the list. She was done trying to kiss Justin, but she didn't want him to know she had attempted it at one point. She talked about being compared to Melanie, and how she stole Nathan away. Then she unraveled the story of her father, and why she adored 'Down to Earth'. When she was finished, Olivia took another breath and smiled a bit. And, just as before, Justin smiled back.

"Wow," Justin said, "that's... a lot. I'm so sorry all of this has happened. I want to tell you something very important. Are you listening carefully?" Olivia nodded intently.

"No matter what Melanie does to you, no matter who Nathan chooses, and no matter what your dad has done, I want you to know that I will always be here for you. I know we just met and everything, but I've never met someone so sweet and down to earth. I've never had someone who I can relate to about my parents and everything. It's so nice to have someone who wants to know me, Justin Bieber; not just the superstar, Justin Bieber. You have my number, and you can talk to me about absolutely anything. Do you understand me?"

"Yes," Olivia answered. She wrapped her arms around Justin in a warm hug. She felt so relieved to know someone would finally listen to her, and that she actually had someone to confide in.

"Now, how would a big bowl of ice cream sound?"

Olivia giggled. "Just wonderful." She rose from the bed and followed Justin into the kitchen area. Pattie, Justin's mom, sat on the couch quietly watching the television.

"Is everything okay?" Pattie questioned. She probably had heard the crying.

"Yep," Justin answered, using his particularly large muscles to scoop out the rock hard ice cream. "Mom, this is Olivia. She was my One Less Lonely Girl the other night."

Pattie smiled. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Olivia. Do you live around here?"

"Yeah, I live a few blocks over in the Westhill apartments," Olivia said. "And it's nice to meet you as well."
Justin slid a bowl of ice cream in Liv's direction, and she began to drizzle chocolate sauce upon it.

"You have something on your face," Justin announced.

Olivia looked up. "Where?"

Justin grabbed the can of whipped cream and sprayed some on her nose. "Right there!" he exclaimed, laughing hysterically.

Olivia burst into giggles and started attacking him with chocolate syrup. It only took a few minutes for the two to be completely covered in ice cream toppings. And to be honest, it was their favorite part of the entire evening.

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