Chapter 3: Into the forest

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Mark couldn't understand how he could be his brother. He knew he only had one sibling. Mark was lost and confused and he just wished that he hadn't opened the door. He thought that if he had have just ignored the knocking then he would not be here.

Darkiplier continued to talk to Mark. He told him why he was here. 'We may be brothers, Mark, but that doesn't mean we just forgive each other for whatever we do.' 'Well what have I done asked Mark. 'Well Mark, it happened when we were young.'

'When we were younger Mark, we used to play outside all the time. We'd go into the woods and build things, climb trees and have loads of fun. Though one time, Mark, things got a bit out of hand. We were climbing one of the trees in the trees in the woods. We used to have races and see who could get to the top first. I was winning but you couldn't handle loosing. Instead of grabbing hold of the next branch you grabbed me, pulling me down, making me fall out of the tree. I landed, smashing my head on the ground. When I woke up, I was in hospital. My vision was damaged and everything was in black and white. I remember asking where you were. They told me that you had fallen out of the tree too. All you lost was your memory. Whereas I had lost the ability to see colour. My eyes had turned black. My eyes weren't the only thing that was affected by this. From then on I found it harder to learn at school. I found it hard to control my anger. This all lead to me being outcast from our family. And it's all your fault. 'How come I don't remember this' Mark said. 'Because when you fell out of the tree you lost all recollection of that day. It took you awhile to be able to use your mind properly again so I don't suppose you remember me leaving do you.' Mark shook his head. 'I don't remember anything about you' he whispered. ' Well because it was your fault I lost everything, I'm going to make you pay' and he pulled a gun from his side and aimed it at Mark. 'You should have been more careful.' Mark froze, he looked down at the ground and closed his eyes.

Instead of hearing a gun shot, he heard and growl and a small yell of pain. He looked up and saw Chica with her mouth around Darkiplier's neck. 'Chica' Mark said with a sound of relief in his voice. Mark sat up properly and threw his arms around Chica. 'Come on' he said, let's get out of here. And with that Mark stood up and steadied himself. He grabbed the gun Darkiplier was holding and the two of them ran in to the forest. It was dark and hard to see anything. The forest was lonely although you could here the occasional owl, hooting or another bird flapping it's wings. It was cold and the moon shone through in between the branches of the trees. Suddenly Chica stoped. 'Chica' Mark said sounding worried. There was something in front of them. Something man-made.

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