Chapter 2: Revealed

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'Why am I here?' Mark asked Darkiplier, with a sound of anger and stress in his voice. 'What have I done?'. 'Many things' he said 'but we'll get to that in a minute. I'm please you finally remembered my name.' Mark by now was already fed up was starting to get quite uncomfortable. He couldn't stop thinking about Chica. The bark that he heard was not one that sounded like a dog in distress, but he was in the middle of a forest, somewhere in the world. There could be wolves here. What if Chica was surrounded by wolves and unable to go anywhere.

He tried not to think about it. Suddenly Mark's thoughts were interrupted by Darkiplier speaking to him saying. 'I'm surprised you didn't recognise me almost straight away. We have a lot in common.' 'No,' Mark said,' No we don't. We have nothing in common. You're evil. When would you ever see me doing anything like this. Yeah ok we look alike but that doesn't mean I should know exactly who you are. Now you better tell me exactly what I'm doing here and let me go before...' 'Mark Mark stop' laughed Darkiplier. 'You thinking gonna let you go this quickly, I might not even let you go at all. We still have so much to talk about', and he sat down on another rock which was beside were Mark was sitting. ' Now Mark, I am pleased that you remembered my name but you still don't know exactly who I am. I could be anyone, I could be from anywhere.' 'Yeah so what' said Mark angrily. 'Get to the point'.

'Well Mark', Darkiplier began, 'How many siblings do you have.' Mark gave a look of confusion. Darkiplier answered for him. 'Hmm ok, well two is the answer to that.' 'What' Mark said, and started to look slightly worried and very confused. ' What do you mean two.' Darkiplier gave a slightly evil smile and said 'you have two brothers Mark. Thomas.....and me-Darkiplier.' Mark looked startled. 'I am you're brother Mark'

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