Chapter 12

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Lucy's POV~

I wake up feeling better than I did yesterday. I'm still not that hungry but I don't want my mother to worry. I get up and walk into my bathroom and turn on the shower. After it's finally heated up I step in and wash my hair. After I'm done I dry myself off and brush my teeth. I walk back into my bedroom and pull out a pink tee shirt and some blue shorts. I brush my hair and put it in a regular ponytail.

I start to head downstairs and I smelt breakfast being cooked. I'm new to smelling breakfast in the morning because I usually make it myself, it was kinda nice. I walk in and sit down at the kitchen table.

"Good morning Lucy, I made you some pancakes." *places plate down in front of Lucy*
"Morning mom! and thanks, it looks delicious."

I start to dig in and suddenly feel like I'm going to throw up. I don't want mother to think it's her food so I hold back. I stop eating and say I need something from my room. She says okay and continues eating her pancakes. I walk out of the kitchen then start sprinting up the stairs to my room. I make it inside the bathroom and lock the door shut. I start puking into the toilet bowl in front of me. I feel like crap. I finally finish throwing up and wipe my mouth and walk back downstairs.
"Hey Lucy?"
"Yeah mom, what's up?"
"Are you feeling okay? You look pale!"
"Huh? *starts sweating* no mother, I feel fine."
"Come on Lucy, I know when you're sick."
"I promise mom I'm fine just tired is all."

I don't want my mother to find out I'm sick. I don't want her to worry about me.

"Alright well today we are going to teach you how to teleport back to the magnolia!"
"That sounds great mom, I can't wait!"

I follow her outside and she hands me a key... But this key is BLUE!

"This key allows you to teleport anywhere you want to go. All you have to do is say this line..."
Of all the stars that guide me lead me back to ______!
"Alright, I can do that!"

I grip the blue key in my hand and say the phase. Suddenly a blue portal appeared in front of me. I look inside and it's magnolia!

"Go on, I know you want to go in. Just say the phase to come back here when you want. BUT be back before dinner!"
"I got it mom, thanks! I'll see you later for dinner!"

I walk into the blue portal and end up in Magnolia. I pull out my keys and call Loke out.
"How can I help you ms. Lucy?"
"I need an outfit so I'm not noticed."
"I got it!"

He disappears and reappears with a cloak in his hands. And I lacrima!

"Thanks Loke, and what's the lacrima for?"
"It changes your scent and how you look to others, and your magic power is hidden so they will never find out."
"Awesome! Thanks Loke!"
"Anytime, farewell Lucy."
"Bye Loke!"

He then vanished and I put on the black cloak and used the lacrima on myself. Nobody will no I'm here. I'm not feeling well so I might find a place to stay. I'm not ready to go back to fairy tail just yet. As I'm thinking someone bumps into me.

"OH MY GOSH! I'm so sorry!"

It was Levy McGarden...
That's the chapter! I hope you enjoyed! I was thinking about starting a new story but I don't have an idea for it rn ;-; Until next time ;)

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