Chapter one:Introduction

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I am now 17, finally. 17 is the legal age to leave a pack and/or start your own. I had no intentions to start or join a pack. I was going to Forks Washington to live with my extremely distant Uncle, Charlie Swan. I had just finished packing when my phone rang, the caller ID said " Alpha Justin." Quickly I picked it up, not wanting to upset the packs Alpha.

"H-Hello?" my voice cracked, curse my omega tendencies. "Get down here, your taxi just got here, I'm not gonna tell him to wait." He barked into the phone. I flinched back but quickly gathered my things.

I raced down the spiral stairs, trying desperately to not trip over my own feet. Once I got to the bottom of the spiral stairs, I raced to the door, the taxi driver was just about to honk his car horn, Alpha Justin glared at me as I opened the door, leaving behind the life that had treated me so poorly.

Once I stepped out the door and had gotten to the third marble stair, I paused and turned around slightly, Justin was still standing in the door way, slightly glaring at me. "T-thank you, for everything...."

I mumbled, even though he treated me poorly, he took me in when no one else would, and for that, I'm grateful. His shocked expression stood still on his face even after I got in the taxi. A slight drizzle of rain hit the window, blurring my view of Justin. I sat frozen in my seat for a few moments, I was no longer calling him "Alpha" even in my head. I had finally left the Blue Corn moon Pack.

The slight pitter patter of the drizzling rain turned into a loud down pour. Classic Maine weather.

Once I had gotten into the Taxi, he took me to the local air port in Augusta Maine, the capital. All my life I had lived in Maine. I never left, only switched packs when I was ten.

The airplane was on a flight to Seattle, I had barely just got on the boarding deck when the flight captain announced that he was about to shut the doors to the plane.

I couldn't fall asleep on the plane, the loud engines in the aircraft were extremely loud in my ears. Vampire and Werewolf hearing combined made my hearing extraordinary.

So I sat there, messing with my wolf ring, the same ring that my deceased mother gave to me.

It was a wolf, the gold fur on the base of the neck was tangled, as if the wolf was running in the wind, the eyes were made of red ruby, signifying her Alpha heritage and status.

Even though I was or used to be a mere omega, I still wore it. My mother always used to say that

"No matter what anybody said or did to you, you were born to be an Alpha and so you will be." she gave me the ring on her deathbed to remind me of that.

My face turned hard as I thought of her last words. My mother didn't deserve to die, not like that. She was a good mother and a good person. She deserved to die of old age with my father by her side. Well my father would never die of old age, for he was after all a vampire.

My father was a good person too, I think. He wasn't there much when I was growing up, unfortunately. He wasn't allowed in or near the pack, and even if he could get into the pack, he would be dead within the hour, the other wolves wouldn't allow it. Alphas mate or not.

Being half vampire did have it's perks. Speed, immortality, and a power.

That's right I was "gifted" as my mother used to always say. I can produce shockwaves out of my body at will. But where there is good there is always bad. If I got angry, upset or maybe excited, a small shockwave would find it's way out.

A lot of glass broke when I was a kid.

I chuckled slightly at a fond child memory. I brought my knees to my chest, curling slightly into a ball.

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