Chapter five: Jasper's back

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I growled to myself as I jogged to school. I was still angry about yesterday. I can't believe it! He didn't even know me and he was already saying. " Don.t come on my land." Ugh. Wanna know another bummer? Mike was planning a trip to Lap push and I wanted to go but I can't because La push is on the reservation. Even though it was fall, I was wearing ripped jean shorts and a tank top with a sweater over it. I had my hair pulled back into a messy ponytail. I slowed to a stop as I reached the school. Sweat lightly coated my arms even though it was cloudy out. I walked into the parking lot, passing a rainbow of cars before a silver Volvo caught my eye. Oh good Edward's back, Bella will be happy.

I ripped off my sweater because I was starting to over heat. Just as I took it off, my shirt lifted a little sending a cold air up my back, the cold air felt good. I felt some ones eyes on me from across the lot. I looked up to see Jasper staring at me while he leaned up against his car.

Oh my god, he's back too. And he just saw me take off my sweater.

Blood rushed to my face as I ducked inside of the building. Out of nowhere Spencer came and picked me and threw me over his shoulder. I screamed as he ran down the halls like the football player he is. He stopped in front of math and blew a raspberry on my exposed hip. I wacked him with back of my hand as he put me down. " Oi! Thanks for the hall ride but c'mon." I laughed as he made a kissy face at me. " Miss Swan, please come inside and stop making faces at your boyfriend." The teacher scolded me. " I'm not, he's not my boyfriend." I stuttered out. " I can be if you let me." Spencer flirted and tapped my butt.

Suddenly a honey blonde 'accidently' hit Spencer's shoulder with his as he walked by. Spencer stumbled forward, I barely moved out of the way as he face-planted in the spot where I was standing. I turned on my heel and sat down in my spot, crossing my arms I glared at Spencer. He stood up quickly and rushed out, rubbing the back of his head.

*********** skipping to Lunch because fuck the rest of school.***************

I still didn't have my sweater on so my shoulders were showing. Some of the guys stared, one wolf whistled. How ironic.

I grabbed my food and sat down alone at a table. I felt a familiar stare hit and I looked up. Jasper was staring at me again. He noticed that I noticed and smirked. My dream of his almost kissing me appeared in my head. At that exact moment, Edward choked and started chuckling. Jasper's head turned to Edward in confusion. Edward leaned his head really close too Jaspers and whispered. " You really put a number on her, she's already having dreams about you." Jasper smirked. Alice started giggling. I however started blushing like a tomato. More images of the dream filled my head, mostly him being really close to me. I tried to block them out but it wasn't working. Edward was laughing now. " She's listening in by the way." Alice informed. " Damnit Alice, you blew my cover." I growled playfully under my breath. Rosalie laughed a little bit and shook her head.

I stood up and dumbed my food. I walked out of the room, blushing hardcore.

I made my way over to History. Spencer was waiting by the door. I glared at him. " Hey." He waved, " Hey, go away." I growled. " Look I'm sorry, do you wanna pick up dinner with me?" He asked and stepped towards me. I backed up and shook my head no. He kept walking towards me and in one move had me pinned up against the lockers. " Let. Me. Go." I snarled up at him. " I have been nothing but nice to you, why won't you go out with me?" He growled and grabbed my wrists. " You think your to good for me or something? I saved you from the school bully, you owe me." He growled as he slammed my wrist against the locker door. I started to shake in anger. The wolf inside of me, begging to be let out. I felt a growl rise in my throat.

In the corner of my eye I saw Jasper walking down the hall with his head down. " C'mon! Tell me!" Spencer yelled and slammed me against the locker. Jasper's head shot up at the sudden noise. In a flash he was by my side. He pushed Spencer back and punched him in the nose. " Touch her again and I'll kick your ass." Jasper threated as he grabbed my hand and lead me into the empty History room.

He slammed the door shut behind him and turned to me. His gold eyes were bright and the pupils were dilated. " Distract me." He growled as he paced with his fists clenched. " Um what do you mean?" I asked confused. " Distract me so that I don't turn around and kill him." He growled lowly. " Oh um. My name is Valentine Denali Swan. I like the color blue. Um I own a motorcycle that is getting delivered tomorrow. I was born in Maine." I rattled off facts about me. He took a breath and sat down beside me. " Better?" I asked him gently. He nodded slowly. " Sorry." I mumbled and looked down. " Whatever for?" Jasper tilted his head in confusion. " You got in a fight over me." I mumbled again. " That was not your fault." He said and nudged my shoulder as he said 'your'. " If anything. I should be the one saying sorry. I was very rude to you on your first day of school." He apologized politely. I smiled and took a breath through my mouth. His sweet scent filled my mouth and nose. I stood up quickly and sat across from him on the other side of the room.

" Did I do something?" Jasper asked taken back a little. I shook my head. " Oh no. On the contrary. It was me. You smell very sweet and its rather tempting." I confessed sheepishly. " Oh. But aren't you like me?" He asked with a nod towards me. " That's for me to know and you to find out. All you get to know is no. I'm not like you." I smirked. It seemed like we talking at normal volume but we were actually whispering. But to us it seemed like normal volume.

Students filled the room just as he opened his mouth to speak.

I laughed as he groaned and sat down at his desk. I sat down beside him with a small smile.

I am so sorry this chapter SUCKS. But I updated so there. I just wasn't feeling it today. Its unedited and not proof read so if you see some bad spelling thats why. Also HAPPY FUCKING HALLOWEEN GUYS!! IM SOOOOO EXCITED!!!! A guy that I kinda like asked to go a Halloween party on Monday so yay. His name is Jakob so score. ( He's even Native American guys!) Jealous? You should be. JK. Anyways Please vote and comment. also if You could take a look at my other story, C A S T L E that would be great!!

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