4 Days...

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We walked into the fall sunshine and I grabbed his hand. I was going to make the next 5 days perfect....

It was the morning of Connor's birthday, and I'm so excited! I wake up at about 7 in the morning and start preparing our clothes. I grab the tuxedos I rented out of the closet and hung them on the bathroom door. I walk into the kitchen and start making him French toast and eggs, until I hear yawning coming from the other room.

"Daddy?" I hear Connor say from the other room. "Yes? In here my little Prince", I say from the kitchen. I smile as he walks in the room. He is wearing my oversized blue sweater, holding Philip in one arm, and rubbing his eye with the other hand. I smile even wider and look down, so he can't see my reaction to the ring on his finger. In just 4 more days, he will be getting his wedding ring. He yawns and sits at the counter and smiles tiredly. "What is for breakie, Daddy?" he asks, smelling the food on the stove. I chuckle and poke his nose, "French toast and eggs, my darling. A yummy breakfast for my cute little Birthday Boy!" He giggles and covers his face and the rising blush spreading over his cheeks. I serve him and myself breakfast and we eat. After we finish, I turn on Hercules, so I can go fix the sink. I grab the Home Depot bag from yesterday and climb under the sink. I start to take apart the pipes. I groan loudly once I see the problem. I sigh and shiver when I feel him straddle my waist. "What's wrong Daddy?" I try to avoid biting my lip after he shifts against my hips. I shudder and I look up at the drain, "There is a an issue with one of the pipes I didn't see so I have to get a whole new pipe. I don't know... This is just frustrating." I breathe in sharply as he shifts against my hips again. "B-baby we need to get up and I need to bathe you", I say as he stands up and get out from under the sink. I walk into the bedroom and grab him a towel, boxers, and an under shirt.

I ran him a bath and put bubbles in. I call for him to come in and undress. I smile as he shuffles in and pulls off the sweater and boxers, sliding into the bath water. I sit on the stool next to the tub and start washing his hair. He plays with a little rubber duck while I rub conditioner into his hair.

I finish washing his hair and help him out. He wraps up in the towel and smiles as I put him in his undershirt and clean boxers. Ghod I cant wait until tonight...


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