Good Things

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I stared at the little plus sign in front of me and grinned. Hikaru was in class, and I wouldn't have to go get him for another hour. I was freaking out, but in the best possible way. I couldn't believe it! I was going to be a mother again, and the father was the love of my life, with whom I was going to spend forever. The thought alone made my heart flutter in excitement. I walked out of the bathroom and looked around my room, sort of in a daze. I wanted to do something. I don't know, I just felt like my body hadn't caught up with the euphoria in my head. That's when Lily and Rose came bursting in. "Mommy, Mommy!" they yelled. "What is it girls?" I asked, kneeling down to their level. "Look what we found!" Lily exclaimed. She pointed to the small bundle in Rose's arms. "We found him in the back yard. Can we keep him?" Rose begged. They both looked at me with pleading eyes, and I tried hard to resist. Inside the washcloth Rose was holding, there was a newborn pup, not even old enough to open his eyes. "Sha...his mama prolly was a stray. It's so sad he was left behind. He's very little, girls. Just a tee-tiny baby. We have to watch him all the time and take extra special care of him, otherwise he could get sick or pass on. Understand?" I whispered. They nodded somberly, Rose holding him closer to her chest. "We will Mommy, we promise," they vowed. I kissed Lily's head then Rose's before I stood. "Alright then. I suppose you can keep him," I smiled. Their cheers were cut short by the dog's whining. I put a finger to my lips as I motioned for them to leave my room. "Why don't we go to the store and get him some food and medicine before we go get Daddy?" I suggested. Their response was to dash out the door and shout, "C'mon Mommy, hurry! You too slow!!" I shook my head as I chuckled, following them to the door. I grabbed my keys off of the rack beside the front door and ushered them outside.

"So, what're you girls going to name him?" Hikaru asked, looking over his shoulder as I drove to a nearby diner for lunch. I had the oddest craving for a peanut butter shake. "He's so small," Rose murmured as she fed him his little bottle. "We name 'im Tiny!" Lily piped up. Rose only nodded in agreement, her attention still focused on our newest member of the family. We went inside, Rose still cradling the puppy as we found a table. I couldn't help but fidget. I could barely contain my excitement. Thoughts of strollers, cribs, baby clothes, and sleepless nights (that were so worth it) to come danced through my head. The waitress came over, all smiles with her bright purple lipstick and jet black hair. "What can I get for you guys?" she asked. "Peanut butter shake with a side of fries," I answered immediately. "I want a burger and an Oreo shake!" Rose exclaimed. "And a chicken samm'ich wif a Sprite," Lily added. Hikaru ordered a deluxe burger with onion rings and a Coke, smiling politely as our server left. "A.J., are you okay?" he chuckled, eyeing me curiously. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" I smiled, my heart hammering in my chest. "You just ordered a peanut butter HATE peanut butter!" he sighed. I took a deep breath, fidgeting with a napkin on the table. "I just had a craving for it...cravings can be a lil' strange when a woman's pregnant," I murmured. I bit my lip, looking up slowly to meet his gaze. He was staring at me in open-mouthed shock, his eyes alight with joy. Before I knew it, he was out of his chair and coming around the table. He lifted me up from my seat, spinning me in circles as he cheered, "I'm gonna be a father AGAIN!" A few people applauded as he set me down. Our waitress came out with our drinks and shakes, setting them in front of us. "Congratulations you two," she smiled, leaving again quickly. Lily and Rose giggled, slapping the table like a drum. "We're gonna be big sisters, we're gonna be big sisters!" they sang. Once they settled down, the waitress kindly brought us our food. Hikaru stared at me as I slurped at the disgusting-- by disgusting, I mean the best, most delicious-- shake. "When are we gonna find out how far along you are?" he asked. "I have to set up an appointment with an obstetrician, then I s'pose we'll find out," I answered with a shrug.

*time skip because the author is lazy*

I hissed through my teeth as the doctor spread the gel over my abdomen. It was freezing! She pressed the wand against my skin, smiling as the image on the screen slowly started to take form. "There's your baby!" she grinned. Hikaru choked on a sob and I looked at him with a small smile. "It's okay Hika-baby," I murmured, taking his hand. He kissed my forehead, a few tears dripping down his nose and onto my cheek. "That's our baby in there. It's so small," he whispered, returning his attention to the screen again. A small form was visible, and the doctor sighed happily. "He or she seems to be growing just fine. She flipped a switch, freezing the image as she set the wand aside. "Perfectly healthy, and 10 weeks along. Do you want us to print a picture for you?" I nodded, still staring at the picture as she walked out. "That's our baby," Hikaru grinned. "Our baby."

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