Chapter 2: Full Moon - Vivi

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Eventually Arthur spotted the turn-off to his street and spun the wheel, changing the van's direction and taking his foot off the gas as they neared their house. By the time Arthur pulled into their driveway—the third one to the left—his eyelids were drooping. None too gently, he jerked the keys from the ignition and slumped forward, resting his forehead on the steering wheel. Boy, had it been a long day. His eyelids were so heavy. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt if he rested for just a bit. . .

        A sharp bark alerted him of Mystery's presence. Arthur groaned as he felt a wet nose poke his hand. "Ugh, Mystery," he groaned, turning his head to the right to face the dog. "Do we have to?"

        The dog remained stubborn. With another groan, Arthur sat up slowly and stretched, before turning around to check on Vivi. Still sleeping soundly.

        "Vivi," he called, reaching out his flesh arm to shake her gently. "Come on, Viv. Wake up. We're home."

        Arthur's only response was a grunt. He chuckled lightly and, turning to the door, pulled the handle and stepped down. Rubbing the blurriness from his eyes, he decided it would be easiest to pull Vivi out of the van from the other side, and shut the door.

        By the time he plodded round to the other side, Mystery had ambled across the seat into her lap and was licking Vivi's face. She groaned.

        "Ugh, Mystery . . . Come on, stop it—URRGHH! YUCK!" She wiped her now-wet mouth and scowled at the dog. "That's. . . so weird. That was sweet. Ew!"

        Arthur sniggered and reached out to undo Vivi's seatbelt once he noticed her eyelids drooping again. "Come on, Vee. I know we're all tired, but we gotta get back into the house at least." He poked Mystery teasingly. "And do you really want another taste?"

        She bolted upright. "Nope, I'm good, I'm awake."

        She pushed Mystery off and hopped down from her seat easily, but then wobbled and gripped onto Arthur. "Ow. Ow ow. Shouldn't've done that."

        "You alright?"

        "Yeah, just . . . ugh, everything's spinning."

        She slung her arm over her friend's shoulder. "Take me to the house," she demanded.

        He shook his head and sighed. "Why are we friends, again?"

        "Because you'd be lost without me," she shot back.

        "Yeah . . . okay, that's fair."

        They two wobbled unsteadily down the pebble driveway and up onto the porch, where Arthur stopped to fumble for the keys. Vivi held a jingling bundle up to his face. "These what you're looking for?"

        "Ha ha, very funny," he quipped, and took them just as a loud thunk! sounded behind them. He twisted around to see Mystery standing proudly on the driveway beside the now-shut van door.

        "Don't you scratch my baby!" Arthur cried. "Or you'll be paying for the paint!"

        "Give him a break, Dorito man," Vivi mumbled, "And get me to bed!"

        He stared down at her. She grinned, and her tinted glasses glinted in the porchlight.

        "Uh," he said shortly.

        Her face changed. "Not like that, you mothball!"

        "Wha— I didn't say anything!"

        "Oh, you were totally thinking it!"

        A low whuff! made them look down. Mystery was already at the door, pawing at the wood.

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