Chapter 4: Vivi - Waning Gibbous

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TRIGGER WARNING: Further exploration of triggered panic attacks and flashbacks, unintended self harm through biting, minor blood

She blinked her eyes open and immediately hissed, screwing her eyes shut again against the burning rays of sun.

        Slowly, she sat up, pushing her hair from her face and turning to squint behind her. The sun was streaming through a tall window, bracketed by purple curtains. She screwed her nose up. They certainly weren't doing their job.

        Looking around, she found she was in a large bed, blue sheets rumpled. Teal carpet on the floor, just bordering on ugly, but strangely endearing all the same.

        Everything was so blurry. She rubbed her eyes and blinked, but that only made it worse. Grunting, she tossed the sheets back and flung an arm out to steady herself as she swung her legs over the side of the bed. Her hand hit something and in the next moment there was a loud crash!.

        Shit, she thought, and craned forward to look, squinting pathetically. Something was lying broken on the ground. She turned to examine the dresser—presumably where the thing came from—and saw a flash of pink. Familiarity tugged at her when she reached for the thing, turning it over in her fingers.

        Glasses. Well, they'd be useful. She slid them on and started. Everything was much clearer, but now it was all pink. She took them off—everything returned to its normal colour. Slid them on—pink again.

        How bizarre, she thought. Who would wear rose-tinted glasses? She giggled. They wouldn't see the red flags.

        Glancing around the unfamiliar room, her eyes landed on two sets of slippers set against the far wall—one blue, one purple. She lowered the glasses to check, and something stirred in her.

        "Happy anniversary, love!"

        He was on his knees before her, dumb, lovestruck grin plastered across his face. He was holding something in his hands—something strangely long. She leaned closer.

        "Are those—are those glasses?" She plucked them from their open case and examined them. "Pink glasses?"

        "Only the lenses," he told her, standing to tuck the case into her hands. "Try them on!"

        She swapped them for her own ordinary glasses, blinking stupidly as the room was suddenly blanketed in pink. She peered around. "Lewis, they're— they're lovely, but aren't they a bit. . . impractical?"

        "I thought they were your favourite colour."

        She looked to him. "What makes you think pink is my favourite colour?"

        "Magenta, actually."

        She stared at him for a moment before shoving him playfully. "Oh my god, you're insufferable."

        He only laughed, capturing her cheeks in his hands and giving her a soft kiss. "Well now, you'll always have me on your mind."

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