Friends? Or could they be foes?

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Everyone was really weirded out by how the Glitter Shadow Force looked like in their normal uniform. It was black but formal... 

"Uh guys I don't mind you at are school at all totally

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"Uh guys I don't mind you at are school at all totally... But I just have one question. How are we going to tell the differences between us if we're the same people! What if the teacher calls on us? We'll get confused who is who!" Emily said as she sits down behind Kelsey. "We have our nicknames... Ahem... I'm Happy, Sunny is still Sunny, Peace is still peace, Spring is March, and Breeze is Beauty!" Happy said. "Isn't that kind of... Well ya know... They're not real names... and umm..." Lily murmured shyly. "Oh come on! Give us a break! We're from different universes you can't blame us!" Peace whined. "Well it will do perfectly for now." Chloe smiled. "Hey what's going on over here? Wha? Two of each of you?" Ms. Mason said making a puzzled face. "Oh uh they're our cousins!" April said nervously. "But all five of you... Have cousins that are the same?!" Ms. Mason couldn't believe it. "Do you have a problem with that?" Happy grunted. "Oh! Umm nope that's fine! The more the merrier I say haha!" Ms. Mason said sweating. After school the glitter shadow force headed over to Emily's house while her mom was out doing errands. Candy was still in Jubiland with her brother Pops. "Nice house you got." March said making herself at home. Happy looked around as if she was trying to find something, Emily got worried. "Hey Emily? Right?" Happy asked. Emily nodded. "How do you transform? Is it like a magic spell or something?" Happy said still looking around. Emily had to make a choice, tell her or don't tell her. "Uh... We use somethin called glitter pacts... And-" Emily said until Happy asked a whole bunch of questions. "Ooh! Can I see it!? Then what else do you do? Is it round? Does only work in certain times? Is it possible that you it dies out of its source power? How did you get it? How do you use it?" Happy kept going on and on with questions. March smacked her on the back. Happy stopped asking questions and yelled, "OW!" March shook her head. "Why don't you let her explain it before you keep asking questions you idiot!" March said as Happy sat down. "Well then we insert a glitter charm and say glitter force make over! Then we transform!" Emily said. Happy snatched everyone's glitter pact. "Thanks for the info idiot Emily! You really think we'd be friends? Uh ya! In your dreams! Hahaha!" Happy said as a portal opened and she went through it. "Wait! No!" Emily screamed but the portal was already gone. "I knew we shouldn't have trusted them!" Kelsey yells. Emily falls onto her knees and sighs. "What have I done? This is all my fault..." Emily said. "It's not your fault Emily! They tricked us! All we have to do is to wait until Candy comes so we can go get our glitter pacts back!" Chloe said cheering Emily up. "Ya! They'll be sorry they ever came here!" Lily said with confidence. April nods. "We never loose hope because we're the Glitter force!" April said.

{Few hours later}

"Ugh! Where's Candy!? I don't know if we can wait much longer! I really wanna get pay back for what they did!" Kelsey yelled. "I'm sure Candy will show up any minute now..." Chloe said remaining calm. "But when?!" April whined. "Emily! Look outside I think its Candy!" Lily screams. It was Candy! But the book smashed into Emily's face. "Ow.... Candy! Your here! The Glitter shadow force took our glitter pacts! C- Candy?" Emily said as she held Candy in her arms. "Sorry Emily I'm just so hungry... I haven't eaten anything in 5 hours..." Candy said as her stomach grumbled. "I really wish I could use the strawberry charm but I don't have my glitter pact..." Emily sighed. April gasped. "Wait what about the royal clock?! They didn't take that!" April said. Emily gasped also. "Your right! Thanks April!" Emily said as she inserts the strawberry charm in the royal clock. Candy eats it in less then 10 seconds. Candy pulls out her book and everyone gets sucked into it and they head to the other universe. 

{Glitter Shadow Force POV} 

"Umm hey Lucky the glitter sparkle people's things are glowing..." Shadow Spring says. Shadow Lucky looks to her right. "That means they're here! Its about time! Let's go!" Shadow Lucky demands. They heard something outside. "Shining bright! Here comes the glitter force!" The Glitter Force yelled. "What the-! The glitter force's glitter things are gone!" Shadow Sunny said. Their little queen grabbed them while they weren't looking. The glitter force transformed and they started attacking them.

{Glitter Force POV}

"Wait guys! Since we're together let's use our Princess mode!" Emily said. The girls nodded. They all transformed into their Princess Mode.

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They used Royal Rainbow Burst on the Glitter Shadow force. "Another happy ending!" They all said.

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