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*This doesn't take place in the story

Emily, Kelsey, Lily, April, and Chloe went out together to a picnic. They wanted a break from all the evil nonsense.

Emily was carrying Candy in her arms. They all sat down at a meadow. The flowers were in full bloom and it was a nice day out.

"Let's get out the sweets!" Candy scurried over to their basket, jumping inside of it and gathering all the desserts  they packed. April took her out.

"Hold on, we have to eat first Candy." April sighed. The other girls giggled while Candy placed back the desserts. Chloe took out a bunch of sandwiches for each and every one of them. It was hard to put them all in one basket.

"Wow Chloe this really good!" Emily said already halfway done and with food in her mouth.

"Someone was hungry." Kelsey laughed. The others girls joined in too. After they all finished their sandwiches they started to eat cake.

"Man, this was so nice. I wish we could do this together more often." April sighed softly. Lily played with her hands and smiled.

"Then let's try to plan something every month." Lily suggested. The girls stayed in silence, considering it. Candy stood in the center of them all.

"What if we all meet in Jubiland? No one will know either." Candy twirled around happily. The girls looked at each other and nodded. That wouldn't be such a bad idea.

A/N: Yeah... I'm reading through these chapters and realized how cringey my author notes were xD. Thanks for a all support♡

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2018 ⏰

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