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Okay so there are so many stupid websites out there that need to be fixed and I know cause I'm on some of them. 

#1 Tumblr.

Dear Tumblur ,

      Why the fuck were you created ?

Love Chelsea.

Tumblur makes people feel bad about themselfies. How are the poeple on tumblur so pretty are they Gods or some shit so ?? I swear to God if I meet one of those Tumblur boys oooo lord forgive me the things I would do to him . lol . Tumblur also causes depression and depression cause people to kill themself. When people feel bad about themselves cause they aren't pretty like the tumblur people . Awww don't feel bad you aren't ugly you are just less pretty than they are . Hope you feel good about yourself now .

#2 Twitter 

Just so you know I'm on twitter follow me on @BitchesAintDope

I love twitter but then I also hate it. You see when people follow you and you follow back and then you feel happy cause you got a new follower then 2 days later they unfollow you . BULLSHIT !! If you going to unfollow me why the fuck you follow me in the first place ?? I find that once you follow someone you can't unfollow them so it's me and you till the end bitch haha .

#3 Facebook 

OOOOOOOOO they just need to shut that shit down. Too many creeps and pervs on that . 

#4 Wattpad

I love wattpad but  when it decides that it wants to smoke weed and act up . OOO we going to have problems. I will being typing my book good and being all happy then BOOM YOU ARE NO LONGER LOGGED IN ! PLEASE LOGIN IN BACK !! EXCUSE ME WHAT THE FUCK !! FIRST THING I DIDN'T EVEN LOG OUT !! SECONDLY IF YOU ARE LIKE ME AND DON'T KNOW YOUR PASSWORD AND NEED TO GO AND LOGIN TO FB AND STUFF JUST TO LOGIN BACK INTO WATTPAD.......... OOOOOOO YOU GONNA WANNA BEAT SOME NIGGAS UP !!! And then unfollowing people on wattpad is so hard to do can't y'all come up with an app or something ?? 



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