Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Mom, can you tell me a story?" Jamie asks.

"Why of course, sweetie. I alway tell you a story before you go to bed. What story do you want me to tell you?" I say.

"Can you tell me the story about you and dad."

"I guess you're old enough.


When I was born, my family was poor. The only thing I got the was big, was my first birthday. Like the story goes, on your first birthday, you are given the key to your love, to your your soul mate. My key was a half of a blue diamond. When my mom saw the shape, she burst out crying. I did not know why till I was in 5th grade. I never wore my necklace because it was alway so cold. So when I had my first sleep over, my friends brought theirs. We were showing each other them and it was my turn to show mine. I got up and asked my mom if I could see my necklace and she told me where it was. We went into the closet and I found a box with my name on it. I opened the box and I saw it, the blue diamond. Makin, my best friend, screamed when she saw it.

"Do you know who has the other half of this?" she squeals.

"No, who?" I ask, confused.

She goes back to my room and I follow. She pulled out a book that she made. It said "The Famous Necklace's". She flips to the pages with all the Arnetts on them. She points to the picture of the newest Arnett, Henry.

"So, what does he have to do with anything." I tell her.

"Look at his necklace, it's the same as yours. It's the other blue diamond." she tells me with big eyes.

"But how do I find him. It's not normal for a random girl to walk up to a guy and say 'Hi, I'm your soul mate'."

"Well there might be a little problem with that. He's two years older then you and he disappeared about a week ago."

"What if he's dead, will I never find my match?"

"Don't think like that."

I look down at the box and try to pick up the necklace, but it burns my hand.

"That was wired, it's never done that." I say.

"The story says that the closer y'all get to each other, the warmer it gets. That means the he's close. Look, now it's cold. Maybe it's so cold it's hot." she tells me.

I put the box up and turn on the tv to see that they found Henry.


"So, what did you do then." Jamie asked.

"Just wait, I'll get to that." I tell her.


For the next 7 years, I tried to forget about what might happen if Makin was right and Henry was the one for me. I almost forgot about the necklace till one day I was reading a magazine and was talking about Henry. The article was called 'The Neckless', it was about how Henry's sops girlfriend made a fake necklace that matched his. When they put them together, they put it on the table and it fell apart. He was confused and she was so worried that she grabbed his neckless and ran out of his house. He got it back, but he said that he'll never find his true love. He now wishes that one girl will like him for him and not a rich kid. That is what I like about him, he's not afraid to say what he wants to say. Maybe it's fait that I like him a little.


"Wow, that girl was stupid. Why would anybody want to do that." Jamie inturups.

"Do you want to hear the story." I say.


When I turned 19, my mom said she was moving and I needed to find 'the one'. I told her that on my 20th birthday that I would move out to find 'the one'. So then it was set, my mom and friends throu me a big party and the biggest present I got was from Makin, since I was driving my moms car, she gave me her first. Her family's rich, so I was glad I had her as a friend. The gift I loved the most was from my mom, it was a box with my name on it. Inside the box was the one thing I needed for my quest, the blue diamond. I already had my bag packed, so I put on the necklace, hugged my friends and family and left to start my new life.


"Wow, that must have been a hard thing to do." inturups Jamie, again.

"Will you stop that." I say.


I lived in Florida and (on the back of the necklace the was the state and/or country) he lived in California, so I had a long ride. The whole time I was thinking, what if he thinks I'm a fan girl who is desperate. I kinda am, what am I thinking. When I finely get to Hollywood, I stopped at a coffee shop because it took me 3 days to get here, I was tired. I walk in and order something and someone comes in. At first I thought it was a normal guy, but then my neckless was hot. I tried to egnor it, but when I got my order it got so hot I had to get it off me. I put my hand over it and took it off. As I was putting it into my pocket, I was not watching where I was walking and ran into someone.

"I'm so sorry, I was not watching-" I start to say but become speechless.

"It's my falt, I was not watching where I was going. You look new, are you new." he said.

"Ya, I came here from Florida. Umm, I'm Sara, Sara Maree."

"Well, Sara, you ran into the right guy. I'm Henry, Arnett. Do you want to get some coffee, since, well I spilled yours."

"Oh, you don't have to do that, it was my falt."

"No, I insist."

He helps me up and we walk to an empty table. We talk small talk and I know I have to ask him a question.

"Henry, two years ago, I read an article about you and do you really think that-" I start.

"You have to be kidding me, you're like everyone else. You say you like me for me and go through this whole plan that backfires. I have to go."

"Wait, here. It's my number, you were the first one who I met and you treated me like a friend you've known for years. Why?"

"You seem different, like there was some reason we met. I'll call you later, right now, I need to get home. Bye, for now."


I get back in my car and wonder what I should do. I look at my watch and see its only 12pm. I have no place to stay, so I just drive around looking for something to do.


"So that was our first date." I say.

"Wow, so it was like love at first sight." Jamie says.

"Yes, exactly"

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