Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Wow, that sounds like an amazing night. What happened next." Jamie said.


When I woke up the next morning, I was still in my dress, shoes and gloves. I look at the clock on the wall and see that it's already 8 in the morning. I get out of the bed and walk to the door and hear voices. I walk down the hallway and get to a room with closed doors. This was where the voices were coming from, so I listened.

"Sara's a really nice girl, but she's probably like all the other girls, in it for the money." said one voice.

"She's not like other girls, I know it. There's something different about her, like it was fait that we meet." said another.

"What about the neckless, did you test it on her. That dress caught my eye yesterday, it was the same blue."

"Ya, it was. I'll try the neckless, see what happens. Also, mom and dad are coming today with Liz."

"Well that's good news."

I turn around and head back to the room and then I remember that I have my neckless in my car. I sit on the bed and think of what I should do. I grab my shoes and head back out of the room. I pass the room that Henry and Dan were in, wishing I could tell them about the neckless. I walk past the door and they come out and I ran. When I got to the end of the hallway, I turned around and saw them go into the room I was in and come out. They looked at each other and Dan pointed my way. I turned around again and ran as fast as I could down the steps, but before I reached the bottom, I tripped and fell down the rest of the way. When I hit the bottom, I scramble to get back on my feet and ran to the door. I tried to open it, but it was locked. I dropped my shoes and ran to another door, it to was locked. I turned and saw them getting closer. I tried the door again and it opens. I ran outside and tripped, again. I look up and see Henry kneel down beside me.

"What the hell are you doing, Sara." he says.

"Who's Liz, hu, who?" I ask.

"My sister, how do you find out about her?"

"This morning, I herd you and Dan talking about me, and I need to show/tell you something."

"Wait one moment, we need to get you inside and get you into something nice for my mom and dad. Come on." he said grabbing my hand and helps me up.

I get up and am in pain from my ankle. I look down at it and it's red and swollen. I put my arm around Henry's neck and he wraps his around my waist. We walk inside and they sit me down at the table. Dan runs to the kitchen and brings back an icepack, so it felt good on the hurt ankle. The swelling goes down a little, and Henry just got off the phone with the doctor and he said he won't be able to come till this afternoon. So the next thing that was needed was to get me ready to meet Mrs. and Mr.Arnett. All I had with me right now was the dress, my bag was still in the car, and going outside was going to be difficult. I'm still sitting at the table and I ask them a question.

"Hay, is there any way for me to get my stuff out of my car? It might have something I could ware." I ask.

They look at each other and then look at me.

"This morning, when we went to your room, we were coming to get you so you could get your stuff. We can go get it now?" Dan told me.

I look at him and smile, showing my chose. He smirks back. He helps me up and walks me to the door, while Henry opens door. I walk outside and see my car in the driveway. I look back at them with a confused face and Dan holds up my keys.

"How did you get my keys?" I ask.

"I saw them on the ground last night when I came to get you. I picked them up and put them in my pocket. Did you know you dropped them?" he said.

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