Camp... Finally!

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Video not mine, it was made by Hush a Sound/The Hush Sound (I've heard they've been called both, so I don't know which one is right.) And you can listen to it when it says so if you wish.

EDIT: So yeah I forgot to add this in, the reason why this chapter is out early is that one of my followers, I'm looking at you McSsquishy ..., has been YELLING AT ME to GET THE NEXT CHAPTER OUT ALREADY. So there you go, Ssquishy. NEXT TIME, WAIT FOR THURSDAY.

Anyway, enjoy.

Sabrina's P.O.V.

Phew, last night was really fun!
I'm pretty glad that I still have my social aspect.
You see, some WerVampires fear that people will judge them for what they look like, and don't get social at all.
Thankfully I'm not one of those people.

The bus stop is just visible on the horizon as I keep walking, one foot in front of the other, on the smooth gray pavement.
A brightly coloured aqua bus is at the stop.
"Bus leaving to Rainstreak College in one minute, three seats left!" The bus driver calls.
I quicken my pace to a run, and I slip through the sliding doors just before they close.
As the bus driver said, there were three seats left.
I chose one by the window near the back.

A great upper-hand with being a WerVampire is that whoever you are, you're immune to all kinds of travel sicknesses.
The bus begins to move forward, as the engine starts to hum.
It rolls out of the stop and goes on track to it's destination, my school.
As the soft rock of the bus comforts me, I pull out my MP3 and stick in my earbuds.
Piano music begins to flow into my mind, and I begin to sing along to the words. (Song up above somewhere)

'Who shot that arrow in your throat?'
'Who missed the crimson apple?'
'It hung heavy on the tree above your head.'
'This chaos, this calamity.'
'This garden once was perfect.'
'Give your immortality to me, I'll set you up against the stars.'

As the song continues on, I sang in a small, sweet voice...

Alex's P.O.V.

I was sitting in the bus, just minding my own buisness instead of hanging out near the back with the other boys.
I was about to pull out my phone when I heard probably the most angelic voice ever in my life.

"The sea is wine red,"
"This is the death of beauty."
"The doves have died,"
"The lovers have lied."

As I spin round on my seat, I glance at fluffly, glossy honey-brown hair and focused eyes as red as wine.
(See what I did there?)
'Sabrina?' I whisper, as if in doubt.

Everyone sees her as different, as the odd one out.
I can't blame them, I think similarly.
But not in a bad way.
You could say that I like her- Wait what am I saying?
But before I'm even aware of what's happening, I find myself quietly joining in.

'Glo-o-oria, we lied, we can't go on.'
'This is the time, and this is the place to be, alive.'

The accompanyment soon turns into a duet, and I sang at the same volume as Sabrina.

Sabrina's P.O.V.

I was simply singing along to the music playing from my earbuds, when I started hearing someone... Join in?
It's a male, for one thing, and has a dreamy, familiar voice.
I should be concerned, embarrased even, but I'm not.
Instead I simply continue on, not quite ignoring, but simply taking him for granted.

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