A New Friend, A New Enemy

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Sabrina's P.O.V.

After many, many hours, the bus has stopped and we're getting out.
A long, white picket fence stretches out as far as the eye can see, while a vine of crispy orange and red leaves creep between them.
The path is pure white, and consists of crunching, hole-in-your-shoe making gravel.
(Let's face it, noo-one likes gravel)
Between five or so fence-posts sits an elegantly carved gateway, forming an arch above our heads as we all stepped through.

Honestly, this place has had a lot of love poured into it, and couldn't of looked better ignoring the gravel.
I sneakily pull out my phone to take a quick photo of the gate, so I can remember it for later.
Almost in the right position...
"Hi there! My name is May, what's yours?" A cheerful voice suddenly springs out of nowhere.
I whip around, fast as lightning, and meet eyes with a blonde-haired female, much MUCH taller than me.

Okay maybe not that tall, but you get the point, right?
Well, I've definitely never seen this girl around before.
Must be a newbie.
"Hey wait a moment, I don't think you're supposed to bring that." May continues, jabbing a finger at my phone.
'Uhm... The school asked me to take some photos for the trip, and I wasn't able to find an actual camera at the time.' I respond, flustered at my failed attempt the sneak my phone to camp.

The girl stands there for a moment, as if deciding whether I was lying or not, before grinning widely.
"Don't worry, I snuck my phone in too, nice excuse though." May chuckles not-so-quietly.
"Anyway, you never answered my first question. So what is your name? She requestions.
I hesitate, before opening my mouth.
'Sabrina. Sabrina Kaleo.' I introduce, a patient smile broadcasting the rest of my features.

The rest of the walk is uneventful, and we finally make it to the centric hall.
"Hello, Students of year Seven! Welcome to the Maple Spirits Wildlife Camp, where we bring out the fun in the wild." A young camp assistant brightly announced.
"My name is Natalie, and I, alongside with another camp helper who'll be here soon, will be leading this camp." She introduced.

As she continues to explain the processes of the camp, a male camp assistant around the same age sneaks onto the playform and taps her on the back with a cat's grin.
"And so the cabin groups will ha- AAAAH!" She screams, unknowing of what just touched her and spins around.
"Got'cha." He murmured, cat's grin spreading even wider.
Turns out the man's name is Frederick, or Fred for short.

"Talk talk talk mumble mumble "Hey Sabrina," explanation and then we're gonna do this talk talk "Sabs, psst." talk chat chat joke shout back to what we were saying blah blah blah "Sabrinaaaa..." mumble mumble mumble"
I try to ignore the continuous whispers to my left.
Sitting next to me is May, trying to catch my attention.
'Don't call me "Sabs".' I respond, letting her know that I'm not deaf.

At the end of the Meet n' Greet, we all exit the building and get into our groups.
"Can Alex, Alisha, Becky, Ethan, Katheryn, Logan, Sabrina, Vanessa and May please make their way over here?"
Since when was May in our group?
"She moved schools at just the last second, so we had to find her a group to put her in."
Whoops, I said that out loud.

-Le Timeskip. We all know how boring these activities are-

So we went about our day just doing boring activities.
To be honest the day just flew by but nothing interesting happened.
Turns out our dormitory groups are also our rotation groups, except the boys will be sleeping in the dorm next door, with another half of the group with not many boys.
Which means that May will be sleeping in the same room as me.
Should I be happy or annoyed?

'I call top bunk!'
"Can I please have one of the top bunks?"
I, alongside with two other girls say simultaneously.

Since there were three bunkbeds, we all got our wishes.
The other three people either were scared of heights, prefered the bottom or didn't have enough room to put their stuff.
So I, Vanessa and May all got top bunks.
Alisha, Becky and Katheryn dumped their bags down in the lower bunks.
I simply placed my one small stroller bag at the end of my bunk, where my feet would be if I was sleeping.
May saw and copied me, obviously ditching her previous idea.
Vanessa hung her bag on one of the posts, asking the girl beneath her if it was okay first.

"Okay girls, lights out at nine-thirty. Good night." One of the assistant teachers chirps.
Wow, teachers and their early sleeping times.
Oh well.
It feels like an eternity of waiting, I had serious insomnia.
I grunt and turn over.
'Vanessa, what time is it?' I whisper.
"You're still up? It's like, one o'clock." She replies.
'Maybe I just need some fresh air.' I huff to myself, and open the door leading outside.

I take in a slow breath of cold, autumn air as I step outside.
It really is freedom.
Then I see the clouds part and a full moon shining.
A cold wave ripples over me as I feel myself transform.
From the top of my head grow two fox ears, and from my back a long fox tail.
Two sharp, but not too long, fangs protrude from my now open mouth, allowing room.
At the end of my transformation, two midnight-black bat wings unfold from a rip in my coat, a loud tearing sound before it.
A mysterious mutation at birth caused me to have fox genes instead of wolf genes, so fox ears and stuff grow replacing wolf stuff.

I open my glowing, ruby red eyes.

The night seems to entirely illuminate before me as my night-vision kicks in.
I can detect all the warm-blooded creatures within a twenty metre radius, even through walls.
I'm just gonna say right now, it's pretty cool being a WerVampire.
I stretch my wings briefly before spreading them and taking off into their air, hair rustling against the breeze and the moonlight causing a dull shadow on the paved

I slow down, and steady myself for landing, then perch myself on the metallic roof of the main building, landing without a sound.
Crouching against the cold tin, I scale across the roof and leap off, landing perfectly due to my Vulpine senses.
The sun slowly reaches beyond the trees, so I decide it's time to head back.
I detransform, and everything retreats back, rendering it invisible.

Then I let out a cold breath, and start walking.
But not before hearing a gasp from behind me.
I spin round, and catch May in a horrified stare,
"Tell anyone, and you're going to Hell." I snarl as I flash my still glowing crimson eyes.

She nods fearfully, and runs back inside the dorm before I can get a head start.

What have I done?
She's going to tell everyone.

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