Chapter 22: Closer

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Author's note:
Thx for the 2.1k reads! Sorry for such a short chapter. I really have been busy and when I am not, Im just not feeling it. Hope you like it and rmb to vote and comment if you liked it. The picture is Silvermist
-------------------------------------------------------     Thane recognized the voice. "Silvermist...", he mumbled as he turned to her. She was seated on his broad shoulders, legs crossed and checking her nails.

     "What do you want?", Scarlett scowled.

     Silvermist pursed her lips, "so mean", she mocked, "I only want to help."

     "Help with what and how did you get out of the cage?", Lily asked.

     Silvermist looked at Lily and flew to the centre of them, "I have a page of the God orb book. And my sister let me out, my sentence was over anyways."

     "Where's the page?", Thane asked loudly.

     "Sister?", Kyle said, amused.

     "That dress though...", Scarlett mumbled.

     "One at a time", Silvermist said and giggled, "I have the page now", she held up a small note in her tiny hands and it grew large.

     Lily made a wild grab at it and missed. Silvermist shook her head, "patience! My sister you know her but you don't have to know."

     She handed the paper to Lily who was glaring at her. Lily calmed down and read it out, "Hermes, God of Speed and Messages."

     "Now the topic of my new look! This is actually my original form but last time well, I had a few problems in another dimension. They forced fed me something...polyjuice potion? Something like that", she said and clapped excitedly. She looked different except for her crystal wings, she now has short, snow white hair, a swirling pattern on her left arm and she wore a white dress that had a belt tied at her waist. The belt was full of weapons, daggers, shurikens and a pistol, but they were all small and her size, "any compliments?"

     " look better?", Thane said, shrugging.

     "Very pretty!", Scarlett exclaimed.

     "Gorgeous...", Kyle mumbled, eyes big and staring at Silvermist who was smiling at him, "so...pretty..."

     "Misty. Stop tormenting the poor boy."

     "Oh my dear, dear sister. How kind of you to join us", Silvermist said, staring at Gloria who was walking towards them.

     Kyle snapped back to normal and looked around, "what just happened?"

     "Sister?", the other three shouted in shock. Now they see the resemblance, the ivory white hair and an arrogant, up turned nose.

     "How many unknown relations are there...", Lily mumbled.

     "Many more! Like you and Kyle are actually siblings and...", Gloria started.

     "What!", Lily screamed.

     "Joking my dear, but you seemed to panic abit there", Gloria said and smirked.

     Lily blushed and so did Kyle. "Ah so there is something going on-", Silvermist said before Gloria's palm covered her entirely.

     Thane snickered, "how are you and Silvermist, sisters?"

     "Well, nymphs and faeries are related. When Hera made the nymphs, fairies were created too, by Demeter, to help tend to her crops. Sometimes nymphs and faeries create an unbreakable bond and when they do, little things change and they start looking alike", Gloria explained.

     "Let me out!", Silver's muffled screams could be heard. Gloria uncovered her palm revealing Silvermist with disheveled hair.

      They all giggled as Silver glared at everyone.

     "What is going on here?", a loud manly, voice boomed.

     " Mr Leo", Scarlett said in fear as his scarred face stared down at her. Mr Leo was one of the larger zodiac teachers. He had a strong build with many scars that dragged across his chest and face. The two straight scars across his left eye blinded his eye, giving it a white, glazed over effect.

     "They are with me."

     They almost forgot about Miss Virgo who was sitting on the edge of a large painting of the school. Miss Virgo floating down and stood next to Mr Leo. Mr Leo melted at the sight of her glowing figure, Miss Virgo had that effect on everyone, she looked like an angel but when she is being challenged, her angelic features change to take upon a more dangerous look with claws and fangs.

     "He...hello Miss Virgo", he stammered and sighed before regaining his composure. His stern face returned and the scars on his face made him look more menacing. She smiled, showing off two sharp fangs.

     "Uh Mr Leo?", Thane asked politely to get his attention.

     "What?", Mr Leo snapped at him.

     Scarlett froze in fear beside Thane, "we were wondering if you have any God orb pages", Thane said.

     "No", Mr Leo snapped again as Miss Virgo rested a hand on his shoulder.

     "You do Leo. Three in fact", Miss Virgo said to him.

     He grunted before waving his paw and summoning three pages and a metal box. Thane tried to reach for one but Mr Leo gave a low growl as if telling him to back off. "Anemoi, Eris and Hephaestus", he said out loud and Miss Virgo gasped.

     "Eris? Are you crazy? How did you get that? It was never in the book!", she sputtered in shock.

     Mr Leo chuckled, "Few centuries back, I ripped it out and kept it."

     Miss Virgo continued gaping. "Who is Eris?", Thane spoke up.

      "She is the Goddess of Discord. It was said that she started the famous Trojan War with a gold apple from the Garden of Hesperides", Lily explained, "the apple was labelled 'for the fairest' and she threw it between Athena, Hera and Aphrodite who debated who should have it but since they couldn't decide, they summoned Paris to judge. They all bribed him with things many people would want. Hera said she would make Paris the king of Europe and Asia, Athena wanted to give him wisdom and war strategy and Aphrodite bribed him with the most beautiful mortal, Helen of Troy. Paris chose Aphrodite's offer and deemed her the fairest. The Trojan War then started", she explained.

     "Take the box and keep them inside", Mr Leo instructed, "it is enchanted. It will only open to five people. Thane Hunter, Scarlett Danae, Lily Black, Kyle Lionel and Clarrissa Hunter."

     A pang of guilt hit Thane when his sister was mentioned. He took the box and the papers, he then placed all the pages inside. He walked away quietly, clutching the box tightly to his chest, leaving the rest there as they stared at him.

     I will find you. I swear on it.

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