The girl with the secret

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Sept 1...

Hannah!, I shouted with anger. My babyish 12 year old sister had taken my phone and even though it has a password precedes to hide it. Alyssa has a secret, Alyssa has a secret!, she continually shouts.  Shut up I shout at her. She runs around the coffee table thinking shes all cool.....but then I catch her.

Before she had taken my phone me and my absolute best friend, Rosali Pentrose, were talking about a serious matter.Not her serious matter but my serious  matter for which would follow me the rest of my life if it were true. We were talking about  a mishap with birth control.......for which would make know.....that big long word.....It contains a scientific word....I'll just break it down for ya all....I could be with child....or as some sophisticated person calls it....PREGNANT.

My phone begins to alert me that Rosali  texted me.  I pick up my phone to read the text.....It says she bought me a pregnancy test. Those words hit me like someone took a rock and smacked me with it. I felt my chin start to quiver  and I had to run into my room. I layed down on my bed and just stared with tears coming down my face. I then saw the faces of my 4 siblings. My 14 year old sister, Grace, just laughed at me and said its your time of the month again isnt it. I threw a pillow at her.  I realized my room wasnt a private place to be since i share it with Grace. I was suppose to be watching my siblings or co-watching as my parents put it. I just decided to put grace in charge, she was 14 after all.  I put her in charge and grabbed my keys and before i knew it I was on my way to Rosali's house to take a pregnancy test.

25 minutes Later...... 

I walked up to the door and knocked. Mrs. Pentrose answered the door. Hi Mrs. Pentrose, Is Rosali here? I said. Actually she is in her room, she just got home from the store....she looked really tired. Mom, I heard Rosali yell, Let her in.

i walked up the stairs like I had many times before but this time felt different, all I could think about was the next time I walked down them I would know my fate. I turned the corner to walk down the hallway into Rosali's room and passing her sister and brother's room. I considered knocking on the door but I decided this wasn't a time to be all polite and just walked in. When I walked in I saw my best friend just stare at me, then without saying anything hand me a pregnancy test. Thankfully she had her own bathroom because otherwise I probably  wouldn't of done it for the fear of someone seeing it in my hand.

I turned on the light and took the pregnancy test.

When I was done it immediately came back positive. It was like time just froze with no emotions. All I could do is stare at myself in the mirror. I was going to have a baby. Me, Alyssa Brielle Roberts, was preg...nant. I had so many questions.

When was I due?

Why me?

What is its gender?

What will people think of me?

Will I keep it?

Then I stopped, Yes I'm keeping it.

Rosali knocked on the door. You have been in their for 5 the door.

"I can't "I say

"Why?" she asks

"Because, I can't" I answer

"Open the door!"


"Alyssa, Open the door or I get my mom"

She used the "I'm telling mom "card again, that's her favorite way to get me to do things.

I get up and walk out of the bathroom. I sit down on her blue and brown owl bedding. I could feel the tears go down my face.

"Your pregnant....your pregnant" she stutters.

"I'm so sorry" I manage to say while absolutely  sobbing. 

"You have nothing to be ashamed of, Aly, I'm not going to judge you."

"I can't do it"

"You can abort it"

"NO!" I raised my voice this time even though it sounded all raspy from all the crying I was doing,"This is my baby and I'm not going to punish it over my problems."

"Ok, Ok, it was just an option!"

"I have to go" I lie. I couldn't take all the interrogating any more.

"You can sleepover if you want.....I want to help you!" she says walking over and putting her arms around me.

"I have to get back before my mom, I'm suppose to be babysitting, but you can come with me" I manage to say.

"Ok, let me just grab some stuff'" she says

30 minutes later....

Rosali and I walk into my house. I look at the clock, It says 7:30 P.M. Mom gets home at I missed that round of trouble....unless she called. I don't think she called considering my 4 siblings are sitting on the couch and not telling me how much trouble I'm in even though my birthday is September 17...this month, i'm turning 17.

Rosali walks over to my 9 year old brother

"Davie!" she says trying to annoy him. His full name is David Elijah Roberts, Rosali uses part of his first name and then first letter of his middle name to annoy him. he hates when she does that, I think its funny.

David looks up at her and then looks back at his show.

"i'm not talking to you!" he tells her.

'I can handle that" she says jokingly.

We then procede to walk into my bedroom and lock the door. I turn around and say" I have to hide this!"

"Aly, I don''t think you can for very long!" 

"Thanks for your support" I say

"Aly, I'm not trying to be mean, I'll help you hide it for as long as it can be hidden but you have to tell your parents"

"I acn't do that to them!"

"Then what are you gonna do, tell them your just a little bloated when you are actually nine months pregnant!" She exclaims," Then when you go into labor, tell them you have  a stomach ache and want to go to the hospital....conveniently on the maternity wing and when the baby comes out say a mother left it with you to take care of!"

"Rosali!, I am not that stupid...just help me....I'm hiding it get over it. If you don't like it leave!"

"I'm on your side, Al, I'm just trying to help you reach the reality."

"Don't worry I know what reality is"

"I don't think you understand"

"Understand what?'

"Aly, you are pregnant which means you need to have prenatal care to take care of you and your baby!"

"I know I need it but I acn't have it!"

"Well, because I care, We are gonna find a way to get it even if you try to hide it!"

"whats that suppose to mean?"

"I will keep your secret but I'm going to make sure you take care of yourself!"

Our conversation gets cutoff by my mom coming in the door of the house.

"Do I look like I have been crying?"

"Yeah"  Rosali answers

"I'll just tell her max broke with me since he'll probably do that when he finds out...if he finds out!"

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