September 7

15 1 0

*Alarm goes off at 6:00*

"Ughhh" I say to myself

I really do not want to go to school for the fear that there are rumors floating around the school about me. Although there really isn't any rumor about it since it is a true thing

I walk down the stairs but I can hear my Mom crying in the bathroom. I knock on the door and she opens it.

"I'm sorry honey, It is just not the right time for you to talk to me because...this....this not in my plans for you until you are at least 20...and i'm having a hard time accepting it...just leave me and dad alone for awhile" She says with tears in her eyes

"Mommy, I can't, I don't want to go through this pregnancy alone!"

"You are going to have too until I am able to comprehend it!"

"But Mom! I plea, "I can't do it alone!"

"Honey, just get dressed!"

Ok so I thought my Mom was ok  with this whole pregnancy/ baby thing. Now she just wants me to figure it out and hope for the best?

I walk down the stairs which seems totally normal every other day....but today was different...Today I know that in like 8 months I'll walk up these stairs with my son or daughter. It was so weird to know that ..I...Alyssa a mommy to be. 

I continued walking down the stair until I see my Dad sitting  with my brother, David.

I freeze...i can't face him.

I quickly just grab my keys and leave.

I get in my car...when all of the sudden..I feel sick.  I than procede to puke all over my car. 

When I don't feel the urge to puke anymore..I run inside.

"Mom, I need help!" i say in tears.

I don't hear an answer so I turn to my Dad.

"dad, I need help" I say in tears.

"honey, you are covered in puke!"

"I didn't eat anything!" 

"Aly, go take your pajamas off and take a shower!" He says

"Its in my car too!"

"Well, I'll clean it up."

"thank you!" I say running up the stairs.

i had forgotten I hadn't got dressed...I think I'll check off pregnancy brain off my list.

"Aly..What smells like puke?" My Mom asks from her bedroom

"I do!" i say slightly yelling.

"don't talk to me using that tone!" 

"Well..your the only one in this house who has gone through pregnancy and you arn't there for me when i need you the most!'' I say

"Aly, give me some time!"


"Aly, leave me alone..give me  a week!"

"I'll still be pregnant!"


"than why don't you grow up and accept it! I scream..storming into the bathroom.

"Aly! Think about if your daughter got pregnant at would be pretty disappointed in her. You would want her to give you some time to comprehend it. Aly,m I want to help you but I don't know if I can do that without screaming at you at this moment. Don't get me wrong, I love you, sweetheart, But you have disappointed me. This baby is going to change your life...My life..your dad's life..Hannah and Grace's life...David and kari's life...EVERYONE's life not just yours.I don't even think you know the consequences of this"

"Mom, I know, I'm sorry that you have to make changes for your grandchild. I'm not sorry that I do! You are acting like I don't have the ability to carry this baby and than give birth to THIS baby and then to parent this baby. God gave me this miracle. I am going to love this baby like you love me. Yes, this baby is going to cause changes..good changes. Let me tell you Mom..I am suffering with morning sickness...I get the consequences!"

I don't hear a I turn the shower on...I feel sick again...I don't throw up though. I look at the reads 6:40..I have to leave at 7:00!

I take a 5 minute shower and throw my hair in a bun with a black bow. I put some mascara and lipgloss on. I put a pair of capris and a "Hakuna Matata" shirt on...I put my cheetah print BOBS on and walk down stairs.'

"Honey," My Dad says," You need to eat at least crackers or something..otherwise you'll get sick at me."

"Ok..I'll try" I smile at my Dad taking some crackers from the pantry.

"I cleaned out your car but it still smells really bad."

"Ok, I'll take the bus." I say looking at the clock that says 6:58.

"honey, let me drive you."


15 minutes later... 

I get out of the car carrying my bag.  I see Rosali sitting on the bench waiting for me just as she had every other day of school....

*note that this day is much longerthan the it will be broken up into 2 chapters*

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