September 7..continued...

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I walk up to Rosali and she stands up and hugs me. I burst out in tears. I didn't feel that coming. It must be the pregnancy hormones kicking in at school of all places it could happen. Rosali just keeps me wrapped in her arms until Max walks up to us.

" Aly, Whats wrong...did something happen?" he asks

"Me and my Mom had a fight" I say walking towards the bathroom to fix my now smeared makeup.

"oh" he murmurs

" Yeah" I say with a little bit of atitude

"Whats with the moodiness, Aly, I see why your Mom yelled at you this morning!"

"Max," I stop walking to say," There is a lot more than you understand going on in my life right now."

He just stares at me and than smirks.

"Max,  I'm sorry but I don't love you" i blurt out.

"Fine, I was going to break up with you too" he yells at me.

He starts to walk away...I feel terrible. 

"Aly, It was probably for the best." Rosali exclaims 

 "How" I say"I just broke up with my boyfriend of almost 2 years!"

"It will be easier to keep your secret."

"Yeah, but now I broke up with baby is gonna have a split family!"

"Aly, be quiet!"

"Everyone is gonna find out eventually!"

"Your hiding it...remember!"

Rosali pulls my arm into the bathroom with her. The bathroom is empty. 

"Rose, how am i suppose to hide a pregnancy and a child through highschool. The baby is due 3 weeks before I graduate! I am gonna gain weight...and have a belly...Im almost 6 weeks pregnant...I feel awful all the time..I cannot hide this baby much longer!" I whisper in tears...of course again.

"Aly, I'm one said you would go through this alone..I'm here...I'm going to help you as long as I am able too.  I want you to have a healthy baby and all."

"Rose, you speak nonsense. I am pregnant...I  am gonna have a belly...maternity clothing. When I show up to school in maternity cloths what are people gonna think when that happens."

"Just take it day by day..If people see you each day...they wont really notice a change until your really big."

"I have to get my schedule from the office...and put my stuff in my locker." I tell her

'I do too...I'll go with you." Rose says.

I walk inside the school. I felt like everyone was staring at me even though they were not. I then saw a girl that I used to be friends with in like 3rd grade walk past me. I think she was pregnant since her stomach was  a little pointed out. I didn't want to ask her but I really wanted to know.

"Is Katrina Dylans pregnant? " I quietly ask Rosali

"Yeah..We knew that...she's due around Thanksgiving..I think."

"So she's almost 8 months pregnant! I say

"Yeah...She's having a boy I think."

"Do you think if I told her I was pregnant she could like be my friend..and help me through this?" I say optimistically.

"Aly..Its your choice."

"I need a mommy friend since after I have a baby all mine are gonna leave me."

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