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Heeey, my names Deanna, and I'm so excited to writing something that I'm honestly motivated to do. I'll hopefully update one or twice a week, just depending, but i hope you like the story, as it was inspired by another fanfic i read and adored! Anywho, enough about me! onto the story!

Her legs tremble with every step, the only support available consist of the railing and arm strength, something very limited for the young girl. Her breathing was rapid, and her heart was racing, like it was attempting to out-beat the town's population. Her stomach roared with the wind, and eventually her body could no longer support her weak and tired self, as she collapses against a tree, leaves showering her from the impact. Once more her stomach growls at her, and the young girl lets out a whimper. As her head hangs low the wind begins to shield her, like mother earth was offering the girl hope and possibility, encouraging her to continue her journey. But the girl never moved, for her legs began turning a light sickly blue, and all color slowly drained from the girl's face.

The girl felt tired, and watched the moon as it began to sparkle, unlike the stars surrounding it, it too encouraged her to continue her journey. She allowed her heavy eyes to close, and pulled her legs to her chest, attempting to warm herself up, in the chilly terrain. She allowed her dreams to grow vivid, ignoring the reality of her situation as she lay in a deserted street, the tree she rest on hugging her tightly, providing her comfort and warmth. Before her dreams begin to take her away, footsteps could be heard several feet away from her. However, she was far too tired to inspect, and far too hungry to care, so she snuggled up to the tree and allowed darkness to consume her mind, but not without hearing what the stranger had too say.
"What a sight for the eyes, to see something so innocent in a state like this"


Awakened by the sound of two man bickering, the young girl sat up, only to find herself no longer in the deserted street, but in a fancy room, one she had never encountered before. The large bed she sat on was five times her size , and slightly dipped under her weight, allowing the mattress to softly hug the girl.
"I couldn't leave her there Reiji, she's only young. Lets just feed her and toss her out" Someone suggests, standing on the outside of the door. The girl jumped off the rather high bed, and slowly made her way to the door, but was beaten as the door slowly creaked open, welcoming a tall male. His flaming red hair was parted precisely to show his bright green eyes.
"Whats your name?" He asks almost immediately, an intimidating smirk present on his face. The girl held herself with her arms, and looked up at the man. He showed no sign of kindness and the smirk was unsettling, and she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable, and a little afraid.
"Sh-Shiro" she stutters, taking a step back from the tall boy.
"I'm Ayato" He smirks while observing the young girl. Her black hair was past her shoulders, and her fringe rested just above her eyes, which sparkled a bright blue. Her white hat was dirty, and ripped, but it didn't seem to bother her. Perhaps she didn't know about the rips, or maybe she just didn't care.
"How old are you?" He questions, gesturing her to follow him. The two walked down a long hallway, paintings of mountains covered the creamy walls, and Shiro was too interested by the beauty of the paintings, that it took her a few minutes to answer his question.
"I'm 6, turning 7 in a month" She beamed, paying close attention to a portrait up ahead. She stood in front of the painting, and admired the beauty of the detail. Six boys stood side by side, none smiling, but all unique in their own way.
"He looks like you" she says, pointing towards a similar looking man wearing a hat. "Is he your brother?" She adds, closely examining the painting.
Actually.." He begins but is soon cut off by a chuckle, coming from the darkness of the hallway.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here, Ayato, I didn't know you were bringing home dinner" The man in the darkness cackles. The figure steps out, and Shiro immediately recognizes him as the individual she was acknowledging in the picture. He examines the young girl before taking off his hat, placing it to his chest, and with a sadistic smile bows down "Welcome to the Sakamaki mansion!"  

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