Deadly Past

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Guess what! I graduated! Yaay! I'm going to try to publish a chapter each week, Whoop whoop! This chapter is a little longer, because i thought the first chapter was a little bit too short, so here you go!

  Shaking his head and slightly chuckling Ayato walks over to his look alike, placing his spider like fingers on the man's shoulder.
"Sorry to disappoint you Laito, but we're the ones providing her with food, not the other way around" Ayato says, while Laito shrugs the boys hand away, his smile fading immediately. His eyes lock on Shiro's, and almost attempts to raid her soul, craving answers that had not yet been asked.
"And why are we doing that?" He asks coldly, never removing his gaze from the young girls. Ayato scoffed, but quickly covered it up with a sickly cough, in fear that his brother would get the wrong idea.
"Look at the state of her!" He barked, gesturing towards the little girl. Laito did agree, she looked extremely unhealthy, as her skin was as white as snow, and her eyes were glazed over, surrounded by the darkness of blue highlights. However, Laito shook his head and turned away, his arms crossed in annoyance.
"You're in for a real treat little girl" He scoffs, before disappearing back into the darkness he emerged from. Shiro, as shocked as she was, took a step back from Ayato, looking around for any sign of a bag.
"Did you lose something?" He questions, noticing Shiro, looking around his figure. She looks up at him and shakes her head, giving him a slight smile that causes him to look twice.
"He said you brought dinner, is it already in the kitchen?"


Seated at the large table, she bit her lip at the food that covers the table in front of her. A variety of meat and vegetables were placed in the middle, while Shiro slowly licks her lips, submerged by the smell of juicy steak.
"I thought i could smell food, other than that" A tall silver haired boy says, standing against the wall. His hair covered one of his eyes, but the other glowed of a bright orange, similar to Ayato's hair. He slowly walks over, and places himself in a seat across from Shiro.
"Hi, I'm Shiro" She nervously smiles, a blush coating her pale cheeks. The silver haired boy narrows his eyes, and continues to watch the girl, like she were his meal, about to run away. However, Shiro didn't notice as she returned her gaze to the food, once again licking her dry lips.
Two more males make their way into the room, both staring at the extra person seated at the table. Shiro automatically looks at the boy holding a teddy bear, his eyes wide and sleep deprived, just as she was. He whispers something into the teddy's ear, and a small smile creeps onto his face. The second male walks over , and sits next to the silver haired boy. Placing his fingers between his lips, he whistles loudly.
"Shu! Stop napping and come and eat" He calls, before muttering something incoherent under his breath. A man lying on a nearby lounge, with which Shiro didn't even notice, walks over and sits two down from Shiro. His earphones looked glued to his ears, and he looked down, not mentioning a single word about the little girl. The purple haired boy eventually made his way over, sitting beside Shiro and staring down at the girl.
"Kanato..." He whispers, pulling his teddy closely to his chest. Shiro gives the boy a smile, and gives him a little wave.
"That's a beautiful name" She smiles, before looking down at the teddy. "I'm Shiro"
All the boys look up at her, contemplating on the name, Shiro... Kanato looks down at his teddy, and traces his eyepatch.
"Did you hear that teddy, my names beautiful" Although he sound it without a smile, Shiro swear she could hear a slight sense of happiness in his low and monotony voice. Approaching footsteps echo through the room, as Laito walks over, placing himself on the edge of the table. He looks up and winks at Shiro, causing her to slightly chuckle, he seemed sweet enough.
"Nice to see you again" He smirks "Lets me introduce you to everyone"
Pointing to the silver haired boy, who looks incredibly uncomfortable he whispers "That's Subaru, he is incredibly moody on all days that end with a y". Subaru scoffs at the remark, and Shiro can't help but giggle. His scowl was rather large, but something told her that he wasn't what meets the eye.
"The one next to him is Shu. Quite lazy, and is rarely seen walking" A few members of the party chuckled, except for Shu, as his eyes were closed. He looked so tranquil and peaceful.
"The one with the glasses is Reiji, bookworm, smart. That one of the family" He says, starting to notice the food spread out on the table. Reiji looks over at Shiro, his eyebrows lased together in observation and frustration.
"Hi Reiji, I like your glasses" She compliments, before quickly adding "My dad had glasses and he was a smart cookie too!" Reiji's eye widened, and for a split second, recognition blinded him. He quickly stood up, his chair harshly falling to the ground.
"That's Kanato, Ayato and Laito. It's time to eat" He rushes, stumbling over his words, just as his chair did. The six of them watched him in confusion as he sat back down, placing food on his plate, like he hadn't noticed the six pair of eyes on him. Everyone else slowly placed food on their plate, however Shiro noticed that none of them ate a lot.
"Your house is beautiful!" She commented, placing a huge bite of chicken in her mouth. She couldn't help but admire the lush life the boys lived. Oh how lucky they were! Ayato swallows his mouthful of food and looks over at the girl, a little eager to learn more about the past of this broken soul.
"Shiro, you mentioned your father. Do you not talk to him anymore?" Ayato questions, watching for any sign of sadness, anger or happiness from the girl. Shiro shakes her head, and places her fork down, her appetite decreasing.
"No, i don't remember much about him. He was tall with dark hair like mine, and his glasses like Reiji's" She points out, smiling at him. Reiji quivers at the thought of Shiro comparing him to someone so much like her, and a quick groan escapes his mouth before he could stop. Fortunately, all the boys were keen to know more about the young girl, including Shu who had his eyes slightly open, eating one little spoonful at a time.
"From what i was told from the teachers, he couldn't afford to support a daughter, so he handed me over to an orphanage" She cuts herself off, taking a sip of water like talking was causing her to dehydrate quickly. "But than the ladies running the orphanage dropped me off on a corner street. They said something was wrong with me. Said i was sick, or the child of the devil" She looks up and notices all the boys watching her, including Reiji who now looks shocked. As quickly as the atmosphere darkened, it changed back to bright happiness as Shiro smiles, picking up her drumstick.
"But if it wasn't for that, i wouldn't be here with you all" She takes a small bite from the chicken, returning her attention to the food on her plate. All the boys do the same, except for Laito who shifts in his seat and squints at the girl, trying to read the story burned into her soul. Why was she so different?


As dinner came to an unfortunate end, Ayato broke the silence that consumed the roomful of people. One question was waiting to be asked, and the brothers let out a deep sigh when Ayato finally asked the young girl.
"Shiro, considering you don't have any place to stay, would you like to stay here for a while? Only because it would be undeniably cruel to allow someone so young to walk among those dangerous streets!" He emphasized watching as her smile grew wide and she nodded her head vigorously.
"If you wouldn't mind, that would be great! It would be like the orphanage but with nice people" She squeals, clapping her hands and thanking the boys.

Once the table was dismissed, Shiro made her way up the stairs, attempting to find the room she awoke from. However ten minutes past, and Shiro found herself standing in an unrecognizable dark hallway.
"Not lost are you?" Reiji asks, walking out from one of the nearby rooms. Shiro immediately sighs in relief, while smiling at the older boy.
"Oh thank goodness! I thought my room was this way. Wait... it could have been that way" Reiji watches as Shiro walks in a circle, looking up and down the hallway, quietly muttering "I went left, but it might have been right" to herself. The temptation was strong as Reiji grabs a hold of the young girl, leaning down to her height. Shiro smiles, but it slowly fades as she meets the unrecognizable eyes that are watching her neck. His tongue slowly runs along his top lip. Shiro squirms a little as his face draws closer, but the grip on her arm tightens, and the young girl closes her eyes, unable to predict what was about to happen.  

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