Plan Assasination

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"She's old enough to make her own decisions without us interrupting and adding our opinion. It's the process of growth. We must allow her that space and time to learn the consequences of her actions, both negative and positive" Reiji spoke calmly, ensuring everything he said was understood to it's full potential.
"I see. However I do not agree with your term of education. She's six and there are decisions that should be made by someone who knows the outcomes. Education and growth are two different things when it comes to protection. I thought you would have known that Reiji. Or did your mother not pay you enough attention to educate you properly?" Yuma was red with anger that he was unable to control. Steam was bursting from his ears, his eyes bloodshot and his shoulders quaking.
"You're angry but I prefer family to be left out of the equation, if you don't mind. After all I'll have no comebacks as your family didn't even want you. They'll be as real as you and I"
"I'd prefer my family to have disowned me than to be treated like the second best. Isn't that what your mother did?"
Reiji scoffed and shook his head. "Have you no dignity? I invite you to compromise a deal. Do not invade my politeness with your insults"
"And what is this deal you speak of?" Yuma shifted in his seat. not expecting the deal that was about to be made.
"Shiro turns seven tomorrow. On her 12th birthday exactly five years from now, I ask you to come. Perhaps than she will have forgiven your faults and flaws.
"Why would you care about me reconnecting with Shiro-Chan. Something isn't right for you to even consider allowing me this opportunity"
Reiji chuckled and pushed his glasses further up his nose, like the answer was as obvious as his signature move.

"I may turn a blind eye Yuma, but I can identify kindness when I see it. I know you sent Usagi to befriend Shiro"

Yuma laughed and placed his hands up in surrender "Aye, busted. But hey, she needed someone her age that she could confide in"
Reiji smiled "Well thank you, it's done her good."

Yuma sat for several minutes, watching Reiji intently. Yes he had helped Shiro, but Reiji's hatred and dignity was far thicker than what he was portraying He pushed himself forward and gazed at Reiji. "How do I know you're telling the truth Mr Reiji? How do i know in 5 years time you will still be homing here?"

Reiji chuckled and stood up. "I do not have confusion towards your lack of faith. But may i warn you, we do not break our promises. I ask you to hold the same favor" He placed his hand out and gently smiled. Yuma lightly laughed and stood up, placing his hand in Reiji's. The two shook hands firmly. A handshake represented commitment, hatred and perhaps scandals.

"In that case, see you in five years" Yuma took his hand out of his grip and made his way out of the house. Reiji stood there, questioning his own actions. Shiro-Chan was to never find out about this deal....

At least not for another five years anyway. 

Sorry lovely people! I know i haven't updated for a few months but i am back! I'm contemplating what to do with this story. Do I keep making chapters for the current time? Or should i skip a few years and write chapters about her growing up? A bit of me wants to restart  and develop the story line more, but that would be a bore for you. Let me know what you all think :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2017 ⏰

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