The Locket

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  Shiro awoke from a horrid dream where she was being chased by a bright blond haired boy shouting at her to leave the mansion at once. She had been abandoned in a large narrow hallway, the lights above her flickered. Through the flashes of black nothing, a face emerged, and began to follow her as she ran down the hallway, searching frantically for an exit. However, when no doors showed up and the end neared, Shiro turned to the boy and he slowed to a walk.
"You need to escape..." He began yelling like a mad man, thrashing around, hands on his head like he was fighting an inner demon. "I won't let you take her!" He yelled once again, pointing in the shadows behind Shiro.
She turned around and watched as another familiar figure approached. Subaru gently smiled and placed a hand out towards her.
"Shiro-Chan, come with me" The man yelling behind her became vaguely distant, and before Shiro could grab onto Subaru's hand, the man behind her pulled her back, and pushed her into the darkness, where a thousand arms attempted to pull her deeper into the darkened hallway.
A scream echoed throughout her room as the sat up startled. Tears slowly ran down her flushed cheek and she held onto her blanket tightly. The room was dark as the storm outside roared and grunted from the strong wind. The house groaned as it rumbled beneath the weight of the rain. The lights outside caused shadows to dance across her wall, a shriek escaped her as she pulled the blanket above her chin. She had only been asleep for a few hours, but the thought of the dream stopped her from resuming. The roof cracked and she jumped out of bed and ran out of her room, shutting the door on the shadows that followed her. She walked down the hallway, her blanket draped around her for warmth and comfort. She didn't know what she was looking for, nor where she was going, but when a door ahead of her creaked open, it was her first resort. She walked in and immediately admired the beauty of the room. The room was themed red, and the large bed was circled by a large net that beautified the room. However, what caught her attention was the slow ballet music that made her dance along with the shadows on the wall. She searched the room for the mysterious music, but it took her several minutes before the source was discovered.
In the top draw was a beautiful music box which held a similar locket as her own. She picked it up and examined it, but before she could open it the door opened. A figure walked in and she dropped the locket and slammed the drawer.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to...' She pointed at the drawer, bowing down to the man. Reiji closed the door and walked over, staring down at the Shiro.
"May I see the locket around your neck?" He asked, pointing at the necklace. Shiro confusingly looked up at the man, her hand hovering over her chest. Why did he want to view the necklace?
"Why?" She questioned, removing the locket around but tightening her grip on it. For the first time since she had met Reiji a smile made it's way onto his face, however, it looked awful and strained and Shiro tried ridding herself of the sickness that swarmed her stomach.
"I'm just curious about it" He answered, placing his hand out in front of himself. "There are no secrets in this house" His smile twisted into a smirk and his eyes narrowed. She slowly handed over the necklace and watched as he examined the picture.
"How do you know him?" He asked quietly, twisting It between his fingers now eyeing Shiro.
"He would visit me on the streets. Said he was once like me, and when I was old enough, he would allow me too live with him" She looked down at her feet, kicking her foot aimlessly around. She continued with whisper "But then he stopped visiting, and I became too hungry to keep searching for him, and then I woke up here. Thank you for taking me in Reiji"
He looked down at the little girl and seen the innocence written on her soul. Did she really not know what they were? He bent down and handed the locket back.
"If he ever comes into this mansion, do you promise to come tell one of the brothers?" He questioned, staring straight into her eye to see any sign of lies. "It's important that he does not step a foot into this house, do you understand me?"
Her heart shattered at the thought of telling Yuma to leave the house after he had kept her company while the boys were at school. However it was their house, and seeming she was leaving with them, she must live by their rules.
"Okay, I promise" She smiled, nodding her head. Reiji smiled back for a few seconds before standing up. His face transformed back into the serious expression he had 24/7, and before he could leave the room she ran over to him, considering the height difference Shiro hugged the boys legs, even on her toes.

She left the room minutes later and made her way back to her room. The storm had settled, but the rain still poured as the house continued to creak beneath it's weight. The closer she got to her bed, the more her mind told her that the shadow on the bed was human. However, before she startled herself the figure turned around and Subaru sat there, staring at Shiro. He quickly stood up and walked over to Shiro, grabbing her shoulders and checking her arms for any sign of a bite mark.
"Are you okay?" He asked frantically, moving on to her neck and then her arms. Shiro tilted her head and playfully pushed Subaru away.
"I'm fine! I couldn't sleep" She smiled, pulling down her sleeve from where he was checking. He smiled but something told her something wasn't right. Before she could ask, it seemed he had already known. "Uh what did Reiji want?"
Shiro told him the whole story, and by the end she was tucked in and he was standing by the window.
"That's all?" He asked in disbelief. He looked out the window then turned his attention back to Shiro, whose eyes began to close. He walked over and leant down on his knee, smiling at the girl.
"Good night Shiro-Chan" He whispered before turning around to walk around.
"Good night Onii-Chan" She yawned, cuddling into her pillow. He quickly turned around wide eyed at her comment. Was that really how he viewed her? He knew they had been getting close, but was this what it was like to have a sister? A sibling?
Like usual, Subaru quietly walked out of the room smiling, although this was pride he was feeling. Happiness.


A few hours later once the storm had settled and the clouds began to float away from the small town, Shiro once again woke up, however at the usual time. She walked down stairs, covered Shu with her blanket and walked around the house, searching for any of the boys.
"Hi Doll-Chan" Laito teased walking into the room twirling his hat around his fingers.
"Afternoon Laito!" she smiled standing right in front of him causing him to look down.
"You know one day I'd like you to cover me with a blanket" He sniggered, placing his hand harshly on her head and rubbing like crazy. However, he didn't receive the reaction he was expecting as she giggled and shook her head vigorously.
"I only do that for those who smile!" She giggled, playfully pushing away his hand. Annoyance flashed across his face. He wasn't trying to make her laugh! He was trying to upset her! Slightly hurt her! He smiled sarcastically and removed his hand from her head. She laughed louder, clutching her stomach and leaning over.
"No, no, no. I want a gen-u-ine smile!" she continued to laugh, wiping away the tears that strayed too far down her cheek. He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.
"That's a big word for a little girl" He retorted from her previous remark. Laughing louder she let out a snort, which made her once again double over with laughter. Laito attempted to stop himself, but a chuckle escaped him, and soon he couldn't stop laughing alongside. Shiro hated snorting, which happened a lot while she was laughing, however she watched Laito as he took in a deep breath. Crinkles formed beside his eyes, and a crease had stained his cheeks beside his mouth. She was proud she was the reason he was laughing, after all she had never seen him smile.
"Subaru... taught... me" She said between her deep breaths. Several minutes passed and they were still recovering from there laughing fit. "See, that's the smile that's a worth blanket"
Laito felt blood rushing to his cheeks, and he quickly turned so Shiro wouldn't notice.
"That smiles worth a thousand stars" She smiled as she began to walk away. He quickly stopped her by calling out her name.
"Why stars?"
"Because stars may be the smallest thing in space, but they shine so brightly! Even from afar!"
He watched her run out of the room and up the stairs. He stood motionless until someone walked past him.
"Growing a heart are you?" Subaru chuckled, nudging him with his elbow. Laito chuckled but didn't say anything. Had he misjudged her?

As what usually would be called dinner commenced, breakfast was rather tame. The brothers all sat in their usual seats, however one seat was empty. The pitter patter of footsteps approached from the next room, all eyes darted to the door. Shiro ran in, bowing almost immediately.
"Sorry for being late" As she awaited for a response all boys looked at her outfit, some smiling, some emotionless. Her dress was white and fluffy with attached wings. She looked up and noticed the stares she was getting. She turned around and pretended to fly, jumping up and down.
Do you like it?" She beamed jumping up and down.
Most of the brothers nodded, but Subaru and Shu showed the most interest.
"Beautiful" Remarked Shu, sharing his occasional smile. She removed the blanket that was draped over her shoulder and slowly walked over to Laito. She drew the blanket around his neck before running and seating herself in her usual seat beside Shu and Subaru. Laito was shocked and watched Shiro as she eyed off the food. A smile crept onto his face and Subaru watched him intensely. For Laito was about to join Shu and himself.
"Yum!" She cried with excitement "I'm starving"  

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