Weak Protection

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As they ate in silence the tension in the room was thick, like a biscuit cooked for far too long. However Shiro didn't notice, she was enjoying her meal way too much to notice the awkward glances shared around the table. Eventually Reiji cleared his throat and spoke up, as much as he dreaded to do so.

"Shiro" He asked, attempting to catch the girls attention as she placed her third pancake on her extremely clean plate. She looked up however her knife still glided across the pancake, like she was too eager to stop eating. He once again cleared his throat and closed his eyes, a horrible attempt trying to act as a fatherly figure. Perhaps that's why he dreaded to speak to her, he felt obliged to be a big brother, and yet he didn't even like the young girl. He might even say he loathed her. 

"The boys and I have signed you up for school next week. We only signed you up for the one week just in case you don't like it, but education is a significant role for your growth, and I'd like to see you attend" Shu looked up from his plate and connected eyes with Reiji. Shu raised his eyebrows, questioning the boys consideration for the girl despite the way he had been treating her the last few weeks. No words were said between the two boys, but Reiji understood what his brother was saying. 

Shiro dropped her cutlery and gasped placing her hands over her little mouth. 

"School? You mean I'll be going to school? Like you all?" The disbelief in her voice was present as she looked around at the boys facials to try and see any hint of lying. However Subaru's smile told her otherwise and within 5 seconds she had run around the table and hugged Reiji from behind. Her arms wrapped around his neck. 

Ayato scoffed, but Laito watched fascinated. The only thought circulating throughout his mind was the possibility of finally having a younger sister. The brother to scare the monsters away at night when she was scared. The brother to escort her to the bathroom after watching a horror movie. The brother to hold her when she slipped and hurt herself. The brother that she looked up too. Just as she did with Subaru. He felt a blazing hot rush of anger cross his face, his cheeks growing a bright red. He could feel his blood bubbling with rage. Was he jealous of Subaru and Shiro's connection? 

Someone snapped their fingers in front of his eyes and it brought him back to reality. Shiro had returned to her seat and was now staring at him with half her pancake hanging out of her mouth. A bit of jam present on the side of her mouth. Ayato removed his fingers from his brothers face and smiled. 

"Geez, what were you thinking about? You were out for ages" Ayato chuckled along with Shu who briefly smiled before returning his attention back to the beat of his music. Laito laughed along with his brother, before returning back to his thoughts without his brothers noticing, occasionally taking a sip from the cup in front of him. 



Once breakfast was finished and the boys began walking out of the door for school. Shiro hugged Subaru before showing him the map she had made of the house. "I'm going to explore this room and this one" She said, pointing at the room with a question mark. She had begun making a map of the house, and Subaru would write down all the objects she had found in that day. He was teaching her how to write and was beginning to teach her how to read before bedtime. 

"That sounds like a great idea" He beamed before standing up rubbing the girls hair. 

She waved the boys goodbye as they all got in the car and drove around the corner. She locked the door as Shu always told her to do, and began to make her way up the stairs. 

Once she had made it to the room she wanted to explore, she opened the door. Her mouth grew wide with awe as she examined the room she had walked into. It was large and full of book cases which were obviously full of books. She made her way over to one section and ran her finger over some of the spines.  She didn't understand some of the titles and other were far to long for her to pronounce let alone read. However she crossed a book that caught her attention, and she pulled it out of it's place. She sat on the window seal and opened up the silver book. It was hand written, and slightly messy like a kid had written in it. She began reading it out loud. Slowly so she could understand it. 

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