Chapter 2 : Abnormal.

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How did I end up dreaming about this?

What is happening to me? 

Am I going crazy?

What is it telling me?

That happened such a long time ago.

Well that was when I was 3 and now I'm 17.

It's just so weird. 

Those memories are so blur but it seemed so real in my dream.

All those questions kept popping up my head.

What is wrong with me?

Am I going crazy?

"Sapphy! Sapphy! Are you okay?! Calm down. Okay. Calm down. Stop crying, I'll get some water for you. Okay?" 

What? I'm crying? I reached out to touch my face, the wet hot liquid now all sticky and cold on my face. Yuck.

I quickly pushed my thoughts and blinked my tears away. I can't believe I just cried just because ... just because of that stupid dream. 

"Sappy, Sapphy honey, are you okay? Why were you crying? Is there anything bothering you? Are you sick? Should we take you to the docs......" Those questions they were asking is going to blow up my head soon...

"Woah woah woah, calm down mom, I'm feeling better now, it's okay, it's just...... a bad dream." I hope ..

"I... I'm really okay, I just need more rest, thats all." I smiled, not to let them worry.

"Okay then hun, if you need anything just come down to us whenever you want."

" Alrighty, I'll get a good rest and I'm sure by tomorrow I'll be AWESOME !"

Then, mom giggled and pulled dad along with her. My tummy grumbled. I guess I am hungry after all. I walked down the stairs to the kitchen to find something to eat and found mom and dad talking about something I cant really hear. What are they talking about? Me?

"... but we must tell her sooner or later John ...or... Oh I just hate lying to her." she cried in dad's arms.

Tons of "?" appeared in my mind. Questions, questions everywhere!

What are they keeping from me?

"Mom? Dad? Are you hiding something from me?"

"Oh hey honey! How are you feeling?" wiping her tears away. Her eyes were all red and puffy.

"I'm fine but don't change the subject mom. I want answers... now."

"Come sit down hun." 

"So? What's going on?" I looked at them worriedly and at the same time with curiosity.

"Well you see, we wanted you to take a course in ..."

Ding Dong, Ding Dong

"Urgh who could that be?!" Damn why does the door bell has to go off now.

Who is that by the doorstep? 

Can't it wait?

Ding Dong... DingDongDingDongDing.......

Okay that's it! 

I walked in front of the door getting ready to shout at the person who kept knocking on the door over and over again.

"Can I ... " I looked up at the person. She was staring intensely down at me. I looked into her crystal clear eyes. Those eyes of the person who saved me ... in my dreams, Queen Sofia.

Just one minute ago, I was still furious and now... I am more than terrified.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?" I tried to keep a straight voice but failed frantically. My voice sounded more like a mouse than a tiger.

"I'm sure you know exactly who am I, Sapphire." The supposed-to-be 'Queen Sophia' stated.

This couldn't be true. I've only seen her before in my dreams. This is not real. This CAN'T be real.

"NO. I don't."

"Ahhh... denial, I see?"

"Just leave me alone." I quickly turn around and banged the door hard as it closes.

My heavy breathing would not slow down in fact it became heavier. My eye's also started to tear up.

"What happened dear? Who was at the door?"

"Nothing. Nobody was there."

"Are you crying Saph? Are you okay?"

"Something went into my eye while I opened the door."

"Okay then. Come sit down here with us." We walked into the living room together as I trailed behind my mother's back.

"SO what was the "thing" you guys want to talk about?" I asked while plopping down on my favourite sofa.

"Well, me and your father discussed this in the past few weeks..." 

They then looked at each other in a weird way and smiled nervously.

"...and we have decided to go out of town for 6 months... we wanted to take a break."

" Oh cool, where are we going?" This would be so fun! But where exactly ...

" Honey, I said me and your dad... only..." Wait.. wha-...

"What?! You... you can't just leave a 16-year-old girl all alone in an empty house!"

"Oh... we know that Saph, that is why we decided to let you live in your grandma's house... right down Parpel Street in Maine."

Oh.. hell no ...

"You know what... I think it's better if you leave me here... I can take care of myself or just go over to Keel's! I'm sure she'd be happy to let me crash at her place." 

" What? That's not nice. We have owed the Richards a lot more than we should. You're moving with your grandmas for a year and that's final!"

Oh god... I love my parents and all but this would be hell... actually scratch that... 

This would definitely be much worse than hell...


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2016 ⏰

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