Chapter One |Year Three|

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Quick AN: They're not going to be talking in French this chapter, because it's a bother to translate it all and stuff :) soooo just pretend they're talking in French... XD

Chapter One: |Year Three|

"Ew, Amelie, your hair," complained Camille as they were picking out their clothes. The sisters had wanted to make good first impressions. For Amelie, it was personality, for Camille, it was what you looked like. "You're going to make our family the laughing stock of Pigwarts," she whined, and pulled on Amelie's hair. Amelie looked up and scowled at Camille.

"It's Hogwarts, not Pigwarts," Amelie told her sister quietly, who was busy brushing her long locks and pinning it up in a pretty, braided bun. Camille rolled her eyes pointedly.

"Who cares? Anyways, do you think there'll be cute boys there? ooh, wait I spy something - " started Camille, giggling, and reached into her (huge) pile of clothes she was going to stuff into a suitcase ASAP. The older girl held up a glittery, navy-and-white combo sequined frock, and held it up on her chest.

"Pretty, yes?" she said, holding it close. "I think I'm gonna wear it." Unlike Camille, Amelie had not yet grown curves, and with Camille's flirty and girly looks plus dream curves, the older Santerre got all the everything - the boys, the money, the respect, popularity, reputation. Amelie was decent in beauty, but nothing out-of-the-ordinary for a young French girl.

"Uh, sure," mumbled Amelie, and sat back on her suitcases. "Better get packing, Cami, we're leaving soon and you only have two suitcases packed." It was true, though, that Camille very much needed to hurry. She still had tops, skirts, pants, and all kinds of accessories strewn across the floor. Amelie's two suitcases were already packed and tied, with another satchel holding her books and school items.

"But Mel! I found the perfect outfit for you, after all, you really don't look that flattering right now," commented Camille on Amelie's appearance, her lip curling.

"I don't care."

"Merde! One cannot go to a prestigious school like Pigwarts and expect to wear that and make friends. Look, here!" exclaimed Camille. She laid out a pink and white blouse with blue accents decorating it. She fished out a pair of light blue skinny jeans, and handed the combo to Amelie. Amelie had to admit, her sister may be crazy, but her taste in clothes was impeccable.

"It's Hogwarts, Camille,"

"I told you, I don't care! Now, I'm going to fix your horrendous hair," announced the flighty older sister, and picked up a comb and cut it through Amelie's long, dark blonde hair. She brushed back strands of hair and braided it, then taking the intricate braid and rolling it up to form a bun, then pinning it. Camille then took a few flowers and placed them on top of Amelie's head, right next to the beautiful bun, and secured the mini bouquet using a bobby pin.

"There, sister. Beautiful. Now, I'm going to have to do your makeup, or else you'll be absolutely humiliated. And you can't humiliate me - I mean you," Camille corrected herself quickly. Amelie smiled inwardly. Camille's company was always interesting.

After Camille was doing applying makeup to Amelie's face, the two sisters started rolling up and folding Camille's clothes, then using their wands to wave them into the suitcase.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" recited Camille, holding out her wand, and each pile of clothes would whisk off into the suitcase, until none remained. After about promptly nineteen minutes, their parents called from downstairs.

"Camille! Amelie! We need to leave now or else you'll be late!" called the girls' mother from downstairs. She had her own bag in her hand, and was tapping her foot and checking her watch impatiently. Mr. Santerre was using the bathroom for, let me be frank, quite a while.

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