Chapter Eleven |Year Three|

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Chapter Eleven |Year Three|

Wondrously, Amelie managed to make it through helping Malfoy with his essay. His finished essay, however messy and worded horribly, was decent enough and filled up all of Snape's requirements. Which was, ahem, 'make it two rolls of parchment.'

She cleared up her books as she finished, and said goodbye to Malfoy. He had turned out to be a fairly pleasant enough person, and during their study date, they became friends.

Who would've known.

Amelie decided to catch up with Camille that afternoon, who seemed to be having a bad day. Amelie walked over to her sister and hugged her unexpectedly, and the older girl looked up.

"Amelie? Go away!"


"You're embarrassing me."

Amelie crossed her arms and assumed a hurt expression. "But, Camille, I'm your sister!"

"Exactly, you're my younger, dorky sister who I don't want to hang out with."

"Camille, can you just make some time for me? I was here to cheer you up!"

"Fuck off! I'm not sad, I just - say, Amelie can I ask you a question?"

"Um, okay?"

"Six boys asked me out to Hogsmeade. Which one should I go with?"

"I don't know. Depends on which one's nicest."

"No, it doesn't! See, that's why you're such an idiot, Amelie. It depends on who's hotter - "

Amelie sighed. "Okay, so who's hotter?"

"That's the thing! I don't know..."

"Bye," Amelie said to her sister, already leaving. "Sadly, I can't help you with this."

Camille shrugged and turned back to her pointless miseries. Amelie sometimes wondered why she couldn't have a brother. He would've been less... a bimbo.

She was met up by Cedric, who raised his hand in greeting. She smiled at him, and he joined in to her steady walk. "So, how's it going?" she asked him.

"Fine," he sighed. "I talked to Harry, he's okay, says we won fair and square - yes, like you said - "

"Told you," said Amelie, elbowing him playfully. He smiled.

"Yes, like you said."

Amelie checked her timetable, and then looked at the time. She was going to be late for DADA... "Bye, Cedric! I have DADA now!"

He smirked. "Have fun with Professor Lupin!"

"Oh, I will,"

She dashed off towards the dank room that was occupied by Professor Lupin. She pushed open the door, panting heavily, and everyone in the room stared at her, wide-eyed. She smiled and sat down into the first open seat she saw. Which, she found out, was the only open seat. And it was right next to Malfoy.

"Where're your goons?" she asked Malfoy. He shrugged sourly.

"How should I know?" he snapped. Someone was in a bad mood today.

"Never mind," Amelie replied, and turned back around, towards Lupin. He was currently looking around at the students who wore indignant expressions on their faces. It was certainly apparent that he had been ill, like Snape had mentioned. His robes hung limply to the side of him, his eyes were bloodshot and stubble had grown along his chin. He looked ragged, per say.

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